Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/263

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STEARNS Dutch school ; genre painter, painted her- mits, old men and women, in a highly fin- ished style like that of Gerard Dou, whom he closely imitated. Works : Scholar in his Study, Louvre, Paris ; Hermit, Old Man in Prayer, Schoolmaster, Amsterdam Museum ; St. Jerome Praying (1690), Copenhagen Gallery ; St. Francis in his Hermitage, Ol- denburg Gallery; Herring Seller, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 412. STEARNS, JUNIUS BRUTUS, bora in Burlington, Vt., in 1810, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1885. Portrait and figure painter. Elected N. A. in 1849. Works: Washington as a Soldier, a Statesman, a Farmer, and In Death (4 pictures), formerly in Abbott Collection in Spingler Institute, New York. STEELL, GOURLAY, born in Edinburgh ; contemporary. Animal painter, younger brother of Sir John Steell the sculptor. Exhibits at the Royal Academy, London, and at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edin- burgh, of which he is a member. He was appointed, after the death of Landseer in 1873, animal painter in Scotland to the Queen. Several of his pictures have been engraved. STEEN, JAN, born in Leyden in 1626, died there, bur- ied Feb. 3, 1679. Dutch school; genre painter, pu- pil at Utrecht of Nicolas Knupfer, and at the Hague of Jan van Goyen, whose daughter he married in 1649 ; developed under the influence of Frans Hals and Adri- aan van Ostade. Lived for some time in Haarlem before 1648, when received into the guild of Leydeii ; went to The Hague in 1649, lived there until 1653, then again at Leyden until 1658 or 1659. Said to have kept a brewery at Delft, where he lived for a short time, probably between 1650 and 1G52. At various times from 1661 to 1669 he resided at Haarlem, in constant difficul- ties with creditors. Probably after his fa- ther's death, in 1669, he returned to Leyden, where, in 1672, he applied for a license to keep a tavern. His first wife having died in Haarlem in 1669, he married a widow, Maritje Herculens, in 1673. He standsfore- most among the greatest Dutch painters of familiar life, which ho illustrated with rare mastery, lashing the follies and vices of his day with keen satire. Works : Music Mas- ter, National Gallery, London ; Girl with Spaniel (1663), Party of Eleven at Cards and Music, Country People in Tavern, Twelfth Night, Riotous Mirth before an Inn, Four Men and a Woman at Cards, Buckingham Palace, ib. ; Fishmonger, School Room, Bridgewater Gallery, ib.; Jovial Party in Ale-House, Playing at Skittles, Lord Ash- burton, ib.; The Glutton (1661), A Christen- ing, Merry Party by Village Inn, Mr. Hope, ib.; Family Scene, Interior, Love in the Country, three others, Mr. Munro, ib. ; Wedding, Painter singing to his Lute, Phy- sician writing Prescription, School Boys playing Tricks (1672), four others, Mr. Ba- ring, ib.; Physician feeling Pulse of a Girl, Family taking Advantage of Mother's Nap, two companion pictures with Riotous Par- ties, Apsley House, ib. ; Bad Company, Feast in a Tavern (1674), Louvre, Paris ; Benedic- ite, Comte Henri de Greffulhe, Paris ; Art- ist's Portrait, Return from Festival, Woman Scouring, A Baker, A Quack (2), St. Nicho- las's Day, Game of Tric-Trac, Peasant Wed- ding (1672), Banquet, The Dupe, Dancing Lesson, Jolly Inmates (1668), Sick Lady, Drinking Couple, Family Scene, Orgie, Van der Hoop Museum, Amsterdam ; Eating Oysters, Wedding (1653), Six Collection, ib. ; Artist courting Maritje Herculens, Physician feeling Lady's Pulse, Prodigal Son, Van Loon Collection, ib.; St. Nicholas's Day, -'HI