Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/288

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SUPPER Landon, Musee, iii. PI. v.; Mtindler, 208; Ch. Blanc, Ecole venitienne. By Velasquez, Earl of Breadalbane, Perth- shire, Scotland ; canvas, H. 4 f t. x 5 ft. 2 in. Christ seated with two disciples at a ta- ble. From King Louis Philippe sale ; pur- chased from a canon at Seville for 235. Curtis, 7. By Paolo Veronese, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 3 ft, 11 in. x 5 ft. 11 in. From Modena Gallery. Restored by Palmaroli. By Paolo Veronese, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 9 ft. 6 in. x 14 ft. 8 in.; signed. Christ, seated between the two disciples behind a ta- ble spread in a vestibule adorned with col- umns, raises his eyes to heaven and blesses the bread ; behind are three domestics bear- ing dishes. The painter is said to have rep- resented himself and part of his family in this picture ; but it is undecided whether he is the figure at the extreme left or extreme right ; his wife stands at the left, with an infant in her arms, and two other of his children are near her ; in front, two children play with a large dog. From collection of Louis XIV. Engraved by Thomassin. Cab. Crozat, ii. PL 15 ; Landon, Musue, xiii. PI. 17 ; Felibien, i. 730 ; Sauval, Antiquites de Paris, ii. 169. By Paolo Veronese, Stafford House, Lon- don ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 7 in. Christ, seated at table between the two disciples, blesses the bread ; a woman and two men behind ; in front, a cat and a child play with a dog. From Orleans Gallery ; 200. Stafford Gal., ii. PL 21 ; Waagen, Treas- ures, ii. 60, 498. SUPPER, LAST. See Last Supper. SUPPER OF ST. GREGORY, Georgio Vasari. See Gregory. By Paolo Veronese, Convent of Monte Be- rico, Vicenza ; canvas, H. about 18 ft. x 28 ft. ; dated 1572. Wantonly mutilated by Austrian soldiers, who hacked it to pieces with their swords while occupying the con- vent after the bombardment of Vicenza in 1848. The fragments were afterwards put together and the picture restored by Profes- sor Tagliapietra, of Venice. Guida di Vi- cenza, 112 ; Ridolfi, Marav., ii. 35. SUS, GUSTAV, born at Rumbeck near Rinteln on the Weser, June 10, 1823, died in Dilsseldorf, Dec. 24, 1881. Genre and animal painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Acad- emy under Karl Sohn in 1850-51. Was also an illustrator and writer. Works : First Thought; Two Mothers; Duck Per- secution ; Cock Fight ; Domestic Joy and Sorrow ; Evening Song (Chickens and Pig- eons), Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Three Philosophers ; Great Event ; Stable Tragedy (1882). Kunst-Chronik. xvii. 224 ; Mtlller, 512 ; Wolfg. Muller, Diisseldf. K., 370 ; H- lustr. Zeitg. (1883), i. 448 ; ii. 168. SUSANNA, Lodovico Carracci, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 8 in. x 3 Susanna, Lodovico Canacci. National Gallery, London. ft, 7 in. Scene from apocryphal Book of Susanna. Susanna, surprised by the two elders while preparing to bathe in the gar- den of Joachim at Babylon, crouches to hide her person, while they attempt to remove her drapery. Formerly in Orleans Gallery ; then in Angerstein Collection, whence purchased in 1824. Rosiui, vi. 20 ; Reveil, vi. 3G8. 244