Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/289

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SUSANNA By Domenichino, Munich Gallery ; Susan- na, seated on a step of the bath, which is surrounded by a marble balustrade, is sur- prised by the two old men. Fountain in middle of bath, and behind it a splendid palace in a grove. One of the painter's best pictures for composition, drawing, and ex- pression. Figures life-size. Copy, with va- riations, Devon House, England. Waagen, ii. 91. By Anton van Dyck, Munich Gallery ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 2 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. Susanna, nude, seated near a fountain surmounted by a statue of Cupid, en- deavours to shroud herself with crimson drapery ; be- hind, the two elders, one pulling her drapery, the other touching her shoulder with his hand. Engraved by Ch. de Muchel ; litho- graphed by S. Braun. Smith, iii. 22 ; Guiffrey, 243 ; Eastlake, Notes, 65. By Luca GiQrdano, Dres- den Gallery ; canvas ; 5 ft. 11 in. x 8 ft. 5 in. ; signed. Susanna, nude, sitting on a bench near a fountain, en- deavours to cover herself upon the approach of the old men. Engraved by J. F. Beauvarlet. Gal. roy. de Dresde, ii. PL 38. By Guido Reni, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 4 ft. 11 in. Bought in 1845 from Penrice Collection ; formerly in Palazzo Lancellotti, Rome. Engraved by Corn. Visscher and by P. Beljambe for the Galerie du Palais Royal. Waagen, Treas- ures, i. 338. By Rembrandt, Hague Museum ; wood, H. 1 ft. 6 in. x 1 ft. 3 in. ; signed, dated 1637. Susanna, nude, about to enter a stream, is alarmed at the sound of some one approaching, and endeavours to cover her loins with some drapery ; behind, in bushes, the face of one of the elders. Collection of Prince of Orange-Nassau in 1770. A similar subject, engraved by Earlom, formerly be- longed to Sir Joshua Reynolds. Smith, vii. 16 ; Vosmaer, 421. By Rembrandt, Youssoupoff Collection, St. Petersburg; signed, dated 1633. Susanna surprised at the bath by the old men. Waagen, Russia, 414 ; Vosmaer, 34, 430. By Rubens, Munich Gallery ; wood, H. 2 ft. 5 in. x 3 ft. 4^ in. Susanna, with her back to the elders, is covering her bosom with her hands ; one of the old men is re- moving her covering and the other is extend- ing his hand to touch her back. Engraved Susanna, Tintoretto, Louvre, Paris. by Pontius ; Vosterman ; Michel Lasne ; Jegher ; Spruyt ; Simon. Sketch in Louvre. Repetition, by a scholar, in Berlin Museum. Smith, ii. 73, 105. By Jean Baptiste Santerre, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. 9 in. Susanna, nude, near the bath, with one foot in the water ; in background, the old men behind a wall. Painted in 1704. Engraved by Gandolfi ; Porforati. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Filhol, viii. PI. 555 ; Musce royal. By Tintoretto, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. 10 in. Susanna, seated near a basin under trees, with one attendant cut- ting the nails of her feet, another combing her hair ; in background, the two elders sit- ting at a table ; frogs, ducks, and other ani- 845