Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/293

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SWERTS crossing the Danube (1810), Horse Races, Cherbourg Museum ; Shipwreck, Travellers Resting, Pozzo di Borgo Gallery ; Stag Hunt (1822), Marseilles Museum ; Caval- cade, Montpellier Museum. Biog. univer- selle ; Bellier, ii. 536. SWERTS, JAN, born in Antwerp, Dec. 25, 1825, died at Marienbad, Bohemia, Aug. 11, 1879. History painter, pupil of Ant- werp Academy under N. de Keyser, and intimately allied with Guffens in raising Belgian art to its high standard ; became director of the Prague Academy in 1874. Honorary member of Munich and Dres- den Academies, and of German Art Union in 1859 ; of Amsterdam Academy, 1861 ; corresponding member of the Institut de France, 1873. Gold medal, Brussels, 1854 ; Order of Leopold, 1855; Officer, 1869; Prussian Order of the Red Eagle and Ba- den Order of Zilhringer Lion, 1860 ; Dutch Order of Oaken Crown, 1861 ; Weimar Order of White Falcon, 1865 ; Papal Order of Gregory, 1871. Works : Baptism of Clovis ; Delivery of Keys to St. Peter ; Van Schoonbeck and his Contemporaries ; The Labourers (from Lamartine's "Jocelyn"); Festival Day ; Italian Woman with her Children ; Arrival of Venetian Embassy at Antwerp. In fresco : Seven Sorrows of the Virgin (1855-70), Notre Dame at St. Niko- laes, near Antwerp; Scenes from Life of Christ (1859-71), St. George's, Antwerp ; Episodes in History of Flanders (1861-6'J), Town Hall, Ypres ; Scenes from Local His- tory (1873-75), Town Hall, Courtray ; Dec- oration of St. Ann's Chapel in St. Vitus' Cathedral, Prague (1878). Chronique des Arts (1879), 240 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1868), xxv. 74 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1872), i. 227 ; Jour- nal des B. Arts (1878), 188 ; Riegel, Wand- malerei in Belgien, 3, 10-14, 42, 46-62, 105, 247 ; Vlaamsche school (1879), 149 ; Wurz- bach, xli. 25. SWERTSCHKOFF, NICOLAI, born in St. Petersburg in 1818. Genre and animal painter of distinction, self-taught in Paris, and travelling in Germany and the Nether- lands ; paints especially horses in a masterly manner. Gold medal, Weimar ; Bavarian Order of St Michael, Hessian Order of Philip the Magnanimous ; L. of Honour, 1863. Professor at St Petersburg Acad- emy. Works: Czar Alexis Michailovich reviewing his Troops ; Kibitka (Russian vehicle) in the Snow ; Village Wedding ; Horse Market in Russia, Station for Post- Horses, Return from Bear Hunt (1863) ; Sleigh pursued by Wolves, Russian Travel- lers meeting in the Woods (1864). Mailer, 513. SWORD, JAMES BRADE, born in Phil- adelphia, Pa., Oct. 11, 183'.). Landscape painter, pupil of Christian Schussele, after- wards of William T. Richards and of Asher B. Durand. Studio in Philadelphia. First exhibited in National Academy, New York, in 1863. Works: Trenton Falls (Centennial Exhibition, 1876), James Huglehurst, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; Peep into Lake George, James C. Beach, New York ; Silver Thread Falls, Mr. Morris, Bloom field, N. J.; The Fort Cove, James S. Whelen, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Shores of Rhode Island, Edward Long- streth, ib.; Something in the Wind, Duck Shooting, C. E. Longley, Providence, R. I.; Newport Harbour (New Orleans Exhibition, 1885) ; In Full Cry, A Cool Spot (1886) ; Shores of Conanicut (1887). SYBRECHTS. See (Wx-rechts. SYLVESTRE, JOSEPH NOEL, bora at Beziers (Hcrault). June 24, 1847. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Cabauel. Took 3d prix de Rome, 1869. Medals: 2d class, 1875 ; 1st class, 1876 ; Prize of the Salon, 1876. Works : Shepherds Playing (1873) ; Death of Seneca (1875) ; Locusta and Nero (1876), Luxembourg Mu- seum ; Last Moments of Vitellius Caesar (1878) ; Long, Long Ago (1879) ; Ducar the 349