Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/307

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TENIERS ,__ i^ . F f in the Shop, and do. as Tailors ; in the Tu- rin Gallery : A Guitar Player. Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Cat. du Mus. d'Anvers, 382 ; Dohme, li. ; Im- merzeel, iii. 130; Journal des B. Arts (1864), 171 ; Kramm, vi. 1609 ; vii. 145 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 7-^ 321; Messagerdes Ls - sciences hist. (1854), 381; (1868), 263; (1878), 331; Michiels, vii. 441 ; viii. 3 ; Rooses (Reber), 385 ; Van cleu Branden, 981 ; Vermoelen, Teniers le jeune, etc. (Antwerp, 1865) ; Vlaamsche school (1864), 173 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, v. 258. TENIERS, MARRIAGE OF, David ren- ters, Alfred de Rothschild Collection, Lon- don ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 10 in. ; dated 1651. A pleasure garden, adorned with trees, bowers, and a fountain, through which Teniers and his bride are being con- ducted to their chateau by a procession of about twenty persons, attended by youths bearing refreshments ; at left, a man playing a guitar. Collection of Paignon Dijonval, 1821 ; sold to T. Emmerson ; then in collec- tion of John Lucy, Esq., Charlcote. Art Journal (1885), 242 ; Smith, iii. 382. TEN KATE, HERMANN. See Kate. TEOCALLI, STORMING OF THE, Emanuel Leulze, Amos Binney, Boston, Mass. The attack by Cortes on the great teocalli or temple of Huitzilopotchli, in the city of Mexico, as narrated by Fresco tt in his " Con- quest of Mexico " (v. cap. 2). It represents the Spaniards forcing their way up the great stone steps of the pyramid in spite of the heroic valour of the Aztecs. Loaned to Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in 1883. TEPIDARIUM, IN THE, Laurenz Alma- Tadema. A girl, nude, reclining on a mar- ble bench covered with a wild beast's skin and with cushions, in the tepidarium (warm- ing room) of a Roman bath, resting before proceeding to the calidarium, or hot bath ; in one hand she holds a feather fan, in the other a strigillus for scraping the skin ; at her feet is a pot of flowers. Painted in 1881. TERBRUGGHEN (Terbrtlggen), HEN- DRIK, bora at Deventer in 1588, died at Utrecht, Nov. 1, 1629. History and genre painter, pupil of Abraham Bloemaert, then studied in Italy, where Rubens knew him ; in 1614 he was in Milan and returned in the same year to Utrecht, where he became master of the guild in 1616. Works : Four Evangelists (1621), Town Hall, Deventer ; Two Flute Players (1621), Cassel Gallery ; Man at Breakfast (1627), Augsburg Gallery ; Esther and Vashti (1628), Cologne Museum ; Christ Crowned with Thorns, Gallery, Co- penhagen ; Angel appearing to St. Peter in Prison, Moltke Collection, ib. ; do. (1629), Schwerin Gallery. Immerzeel, iii. 132 ; Krarnrn, vi. 1613 ; Schlie, 624. TERBURG (Ter Borch), GERARD, born at Zwolle, probably between 1613 and 1617, died at Deven- ter, Dec. 8, 1681. D u t c h school; genre paint- er ; received his first instruction from his father, Geert Terburg (1584-1662, who had studied in Rome), then formed himself in Amsterdam and especially in Haavlem, where he entered the guild in 1635, under the influence of Frans Hals, and through independent study of the masterworks by Titian, Rembrandt, and Velasquez ; trav- elled through Germany, Italy, Spain, Eng- land, and France, and painted everywhere portraits and genre pieces. In 1646-48, at Milnster, he became, through the favour of the Spanish envoy, the painter of the diplo- matic circle and executed the famous por- trait group of the Peace Congress ; followed the Spanish envoy to Madrid, where he