Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/308

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TEKN1TE painted the king and many courtiers and ladies ; returned via England and France to bis native country, and settled at Deventer, where he obtained the citizenship in 1655, and afterwards became burgomaster. He was the inventor of the interiors, and of the satin gown, so much used by Mieris and Metsu ; a first-rate and thoroughly original master. Works : Peace of Miinster (1648), Guitar Lesson, National Gallery, London ; Girl reading Letter to her Mother, Girl at Table inviting Gentlemen to drink, Buck- ingham Palace, London ; Paternal Counsel, Bridgewater Gallery, ib. ; Girl with Guitar and Two Gentlemen, Lord Ashburton, ib. ; Military Man by Fireside, Officer Writing, Music Lesson, Mr. Hope, ib. ; Group of Three, Girl Drinking, Mr. Munro, ib. ; Girl Writing, Girl Drinking, Mr. Baring, ib. ; Officer and Girl, Music Lesson (1660), Con- cert, Assembly of Priests, Reading Lesson, Louvre, Paris ; Mandolin Player, Antwerp Museum ; Paternal Advice, Boy with Dog, Portrait of Artist and his Wife, Museum, Amsterdam ; Card Players, Van Loon Col- lection, ib. ; Musical Couple, Six Collec- tion, ib. ; Two Portraits, Haarlem Muse- um ; The Dispatch (1655), Artist's Portrait, Hague Museum ; Large Group Portrait, Town Hall, Deventer ; Lady at Toilet, Goth- ic Church Interior, Suermondt Museum, Aix-la-Chapelle ; Players at Tric-Trac, Bre- men Gallery ; Portraits of Man and Wife, Old Widow Lady, Copenhagen Gallery ; Young Lady with Lute, Music Lesson, Cas- sel Gallery ; Paternal Exhortation, Knife Grinder's Family, Smoker, Consultation (1635), Four Portraits, Berlin Museum ; Officer Writing, Young Woman washing her Hands, Music Lesson, Lady Standing by Table, Dresden Gallery ; Young Woman with Glass of Wine, Stiidel Gallery, Frank- foil ; Messenger waiting for Answer, Gotha Museum ; Portrait of a Burgomaster of Am- sterdam, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck; Boy with Dog, Trumpeter bringing letter to a Lady, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Glass of Lemonade, Musical Jew, Rustic Messenger, , t ^ Lady reading Letter, Duet, Barmaid, Por- trait of a General, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg ; Two Couples (1658), Young Man read- ing, Violin Player, Schwerin Gallery; Young Woman peeling Apple, Museum, Vienna ; Portraits in Liechtenstein and Czemin (2) Galleries, ib. ; do. in Stettin, Uffizi, Flor- ence, and Turin Galleries (2) ; Artist's Por- trait, Museum, New York ; Portrait of Will- iam of Orange, two others, Historical So- .*~j ciety, ib. ; Degustation ( TT T '"TT (Narischkine sale, J3. L~D iCiy. Paris, 1883). Ch.

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&TOI/WO daise ; Bode, Studien, s S 176, 614 ; Burger, Musees, i. 118, 244 ; ii. 102, 256 ; Dohme, lii. ; Immerzeel, iii. 132 ; Jahrb. der Kongl. pr. Kunstsammlg., ii. 144 ; Kramm, v. 1612 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 394 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., iv. 141 ; v. Ill ; vii. 196 ; x. 36 ; xii. 84 ; xviii. 350, 370, 406 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1886), xxxiv. 388 et seq. TERNITE, WILHELM, born at Neustre- litz, Mecklenburg, in 1786, died in 1871. History and portrait painter, pupil of Gros in Paris after having been an officer during the wars of independence, 1813-15 ; went in 1823 to Rome and Naples, where he made excellent copies of the frescos at Pompeii. He was aulic councillor and, from 1826, in- spector of the Royal Gallery at Potsdam. Works : St. John the Baptist, Schloss Belle- vue, Berlin ; Portrait of Emperor Francis I. of Austria (1837), Royal Palace, ib. ; do. Queen Louise in Riding Habit (1827) ; do. on her Death-Bed ; do. of the Composer Spon- tini ; do. of Prof. Ottfried Miiller. Cotta's Kunstbl., 1829-38 ; Nagler, xviii. 248. TERWESTEN, AUGUSTINUS, called Snip, born at The Hague in 1649, died in Berlin, Jan. 21, 1717. History painter, pu- pil of Nicolaas Wieling (died in Berlin in 1689), and of Willem Doudyns (1630-97), then studied for six years in Rome and Ven- ice after Raphael, Titian, and Tintoretto, and after his return, via Germany, painted many ceilings and other decorative works 860