Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/310

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TESTELIN founders of the French Academy in 1648, secretary in 1650, professor in 1658 ; bore the title of first painter to the king, with lodgings in the Gobelin factory, of which he was superintendent until the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1681), when, being a Protestant, he fled to Holland. Works : Portrait of Louis XTV. (2), do. of Pierre Seguier, Versailles Museum ; Time clipping the Wings of Love. Bellier, ii. ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole franjaise ; Biog. universelle ; Jal, 1179. TESTELIN (Tettelin), LOUIS, born in Paris in 1615, died there, Aug. 19, 1655. French school ; genre painter, pupil of his father Gilles Testelin (court painter to Louis Xni.), of Vouet, and imitator of Le Brun. Did much decorative work in the Palais Royal, the Luxembourg, Fontainebleau, and other public and private buildings. Member of Academy, 1648 ; professor, 1650. Works : Resurrection of Tabitha (1652), Rouen Mu- seum ; Flagellation of St. Paul and St. Silas, Notre Dame, Paris ; Passage of the Rhine in 1672, Keys of Marsal delivered to the King, Marriage of Louis XIV., Capture of Dole in 1668, Versailles Museum ; Magda- len, Grenoble Museum ; Syrinx and Pan, Rennes Museum. Bellier, iL; Ch. Blanc, cole franaise ; Jal, 1179. TETAR VAN ELVEN, PIERRE, born in Amsterdam in 1831. Architecture and land- scape painter, son of the engraver Johan Baptist Tetar van Elven ; pupil of Jacobus E. J. van den Berg, then studied in Paris, where he settled, after having lived for several years in Turin. Italian Order of Maurice and Lazarus. Works : View of Westminster ; Interior of the Lateran in Rome ; View of Genoa ; Interior of St. James's, Liege ; Place de 1'Opera in Paris (1880), Amsterdam Museum. By his father (born in 1805) : Old Skipper with Bottle, Ruins of Church at Lisbon (1870), Ham- burg Gallery. Kramm, vi. 1618 ; Kunsfc- Chronik, xviii. 578. TEXTOR, FRANZ JOSEF, born in Sua- bia, died at Innsbruck, Nov. 9, 1741. Ger- man school. Real name Weber, translated into Latin. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Vienna Academy, then set- tled at Innsbruck ; he was an unusually gifted artist of great versatility, and painted in the manner of the best old masters, so that many of his works were taken for pro- ductions of Callot, Brueghel, Teniers, etc. Works : Seven Works of Mercy, Fair in Holland (2), Genre Scenes (2), Card Players, Dice Players, Conversation (3), Peasants' Frolic, Monkeys at Cards, Monkeys at School, Still-lives and Landscapes (10), Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck. Nagler, xviii. 289; Wurzbach, xliv. 104. THALES, painter, of Sicyon, mentioned by Diogenes Laertius (i. 38) as a man of no- ble birth. R. R, Schom, 414 ; Sillig, 438. THANN, MORITZ VON, born at O'-Becse, Hungary, in 1828. History and portrait painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Fiihrich and Rahl, visited Belgium and Paris in 1855, then studied in Rome (1856- 59) ; greatly influenced by Cornelius, Over- beck, Riepenhausen, and Wagner ; returned to Hungary, and with Karl Lotz painted frescos in the Museum, besides others in public buildings, at Pesth. Order of Fran- cis Joseph in 1867 ; medal, Vienna, 1873. Works : Episode in Conquest of Szolnok in 1552 (before 1855) ; Ulysses and Nausicaii, Ulysses and Penthesilea (1857-59), Baron Sina, Vienna ; Angelica and Medor, Tragedy of Man, Fata Morgana (1867), Recruiting, Meeting of King Ladislaus IV. and Rudolph von Hapsburg after Battle at Marchegg, 262