Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/311

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THAYER King Emerich taking his Brother Prisoner, St. Cecilia, and others, Pesth Museum ; Scenes from Hungarian Legends, The Four Great Rivers of Hungary, Attila's Banquet, Redouten Saal, Pesth. In fresco : Episodes in^ Hungarian History, National Museum, ib.; Portraits of Emperor Francis Joseph and Empress Elizabeth (1868), Council Room, ib.; Portrait of Francis Desik (1877), Academy of Sciences, ib. ; many altarpieces for churches in Hungary. Wurzbach, xliv. 168 ; Graph. K, v. 16 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xii. (Mittheilungen, v. 12). THAYER, ABBOTT HENDERSON, born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 12, 1849. Animal and landscape painter, pupil in Boston of Henry D. Morse, in Brooklyn of J. B. Whittaker (1867-68), and in Paris in the Ecole des Beaux Arts under Lehmann and Gerome (1875-79). Studio at Cornwall-on- Hudson. Works: Young Lions of Central Park ; Cows coming from Pasture ; Feeding the Cows ; Boy and Dog ; Shamming Sick (1876) ; Autumn Cornfield ; View on the Seine ; Alderney Herd in Guernsey ; Moun- tain Pasture ; Sleep, Childhood (1878) ; Autumn Morning on the Housatonic, Por- trait of O. H. Palmer (1880). THEODORICH OF PRAGUE, or Meis- ter Dietrich, flourished in Prague during the reign of the Emperor Charles IV. (1348 -78), as one of his court painters. German school. Probably of Czech rather than Ger- man origin, judging from the pictures attrib- uted to him, which are of a Bohemian type. His name is mentioned as master of the guild as early as 1348, and again in a document of 1367. Ho evidently had a long and influ- ential career, and may be considered as one of the founders of the school of Prague. Works : St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, Vi- enna Museum ; series of one hundred and twenty-five half-length figures of Saints, Apostles, etc., Chapel of Karlstein, near Prague; two half-length Saints, University Library, Prague. Kugler (Crowe), i. 38 ; Schnaase, vi. 438 ; W. & W., i. 396 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1873), vii. 148. THEODORUS, painter, of Samos or Ephesus (?). Mentioned by Theophanes in his essay on painting, according to Diogenes Laertius (ii. Arist., xix.). Two other paint- ers of this name are spoken of by Diogenes, one as mentioned by Polemo and the other by Menodotus as of Athena Sillig, 439. THEODORUS, painter, of Samos, pupil of Nicosthenes, mentioned by Pliny (xsxv. 40 [146]) as of some reputation. Sillig, 443. THEODOTUS, Greek painter of common subjects, lived at Rome first half of third century B.C. Mentioned in a comedy by Nsevius as the painter of a rude picture of the Lares at play on an altar. Nscvius, in Festus (p. 250, ed. Mailer) ; Brunn, ii. 503. THEOLOGY, llaphael, Camera della Se- gnatura, Vatican ; fresco, medallion on ceil- ing. Allegorical figure seated on clouds, with book in left hand. Two little genii, on either side, holding tablets, inscribed "Knowledge of Divine Things." Painted in 1512 ; shows hand of a pupil. Engraved by B. Audran ; R. Morghen. Passavant, ii. 88 ; Mttntz, 311, 316, 350 ; Perkins, Essay, 120. See, also, Dispute of the Sacrament. THEOMNESTUS, Greek painter, 4th century B.C. Pliny says (xxxv. 36 [107]) that Mnasou, tyrant of Elatea, paid twenty minaj apiece for his pictures of the heroes. Brunn, ii. 256. THEON (Theorus, Theodorus), painter, about 360 B.C. Pliny mentions (xxxv. 40 [138]) among his works : A Man anointing himself ; Murder of jEgisthus and Clytem- nestra by Orestes ; Cassandra, in the Tem- ple of Concord, Rome ; Leontium, Mistress of Epicurus, in Meditation ; King Deme- trius ; and a series of pictures of the Trojan War, in the Portico of Philippus at Rome. Brunn (ii. 255) thinks him probably identi- cal with Tlieon of Samos. THEON, a famous Greek painter, of Sa- mos, contemporary of Apelles, 4th century B.C. Pliny mentions (xxxv. 40) among his works, The Frenzy of Orestes which Plu- 363