Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/405

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VEKDIER vre ; Cupid Fighting, Cupid at Rest, Tri- aiion Palace ; Orithyia carried off by Bo- reas, Mercury with the Head of Argus, Palais de Compiegne ; Jupiter and Antiope, Nantes Museum ; Flight into Egypt, Ni- obe's Children pierced by the Arrows of Diana and Apollo, Orleans Museum ; David and the High Priest, Kennes Museum ; Last Supper, Caen Museum ; Baptism of Christ, Mythologi- *~^* cal Subject, X*T/^ ) ' Q Hermitage, / &f (/ /JLJ/^-- St. Peters- burg. Bellier, ii. 649 ; Ch. Blanc, cole fran9aise ; Jal, 1250 ; "Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Lejeune, Guide, i. 183 ; iii. 272. VERDIEE, MARCEL, born in Paris, May 20, 1817, died there, August, 1856. His- tory and genre painter, pupil of Ingres and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Medals : 3d class, 1837 ; 2d class, 1848. Works : Holy Family, First Criminal Thoughts (1837); Philip baptizing the Eunuch (1840) ; Peni- tent Magdalen, Death of Archimedes (1842); Women and a Secret, Neapolitan Woman (1847) ; See-Saw, Clairvoyante (1848) ; A Mother after the Revolution of 1848, Man between Two Ages and his Mistresses (1849) ; St. Lawrence, Flower Girl (1850) ; Artist's Discouragement, Conscripts Depart- ing (1852) ; Scene of Modern Outlawry in Clainecy (1853), Arras Museum ; Christ crowned with Thorns, Female Portrait, Montpellier Museum ; Male Portrait, Nimes Museum. Bellier, ii. 649 ; Larousse. VERDOEL, ADRIAAN, born at Over- mans in 1620, died in 1681. Dutch school ; animal painter ; said to have been instruct- ed" by Bramer and Jacob de Witte, as well as by Rembrandt, whose manner he followed. Mentioned as member of the guild at Haar- lem in 1649. His compositions are ingeni- ous, his drawing is correct, and his colour- ing powerful In the Schwerin Gallery are two pictures with Pigs in a Stable. Ha- vard, A. & A., iv. 88 ; Schlie, 649 ; Vosmaer, Rembrandt (ed. 1877), 232 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xvii. 127. VERDDSSEN, JAN PEETER, born prob- ably at Antwerp, died at Avignon, March 31, 1763. Flemish school ; battle painter of considerable renown, was director of the Art School at Marseilles until 1744, when he went to Turin, accompanied the King of Sar- dinia in his campaigns, and after visiting several other courts, returned to France and settled at Avignon. Works: Siege of Saint Guilhain in 1746, Versailles Museum ; Charge of Cavalry (2), Marseilles Museum ; Italian Landscape with Herd (copy after Berchem), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Army Bag- gage attacked by the Enemy, Horse Fair, Schleissheim Gallery. Bellier, ii. 650 ; Kramm, vi. 1707. VERDUSSEN, PEETER, born at Ant- werp, baptized Feb. 10, 1662, died there (?). Flemish school ; landscape and animal paint- er, pupil of his father, Jacob Verdusseu ; master of the guild in 1697. Works : Land- scape with Battle of Eeckereu, City Hall, Antwerp ; Mountainous Landscape, Mu- seum Plantijn, ib. ; Meet of Huntsmen near Roman Ruins, Augsburg Gallery. Van den Branden, 1080. VERELST (van Elst), PIETER, born at Antwerp in 1614, died after 1668. Dutch school ; genre and portrait painter, flour- ished about 1648-66 at The Hague, where he settled in 1642 ; was one of the found- ers of the new guild in 1656, and is men- tioned in documents as late as 1668, when, full of debts, he fled from his creditors. Works : Farm Interior (1643), Copenhagen Gallery ; Portrait of Old Lady (1648), Seam- stress, Berlin Museum ; Lady's Portrait, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Card Players, Cassel Gal- lery ; Old Man by Coal Fire, Man Reading, Dresden Gallery; Dutch Family (1665), Haarlem Mu- seum;Peas- ants Carous- ing, do. Smok- ing, Male Por- traits (2), Vienna Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 171 ; Kramm, vi. 1708 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 389.