Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/406

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VERELST VEEELST, SIMON, born at The Hague, died in London (?) about 1721. Dutch school ; flower, fruit, and portrait painter ; perhaps son of Pieter Verelst ; mentioned as master of The Hague guild in 1666. Works : Female Portrait, Louvre ; Flower- Piece, Cassel Gallery ; do., Brunswick Gal- lery ; Man in Armour (attributed), Dresden Gallery; Still-Life, Old Pinakothek, Mu- nich ; Flowers, Schleissheim Gallery ; do., New York Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 171 ; Kramm, vi. 1707 ; Eiegel, Beitriige, ii. 441. VEEENDAEL (Veerendael), NICOLAAS VAN, born in Antwerp, baptized Feb. 19, 1640, died there, buried Aug. 11, 1691. Flemish school ; still-life painter, son and pupil of Willem van Verendael ; approached Seghers in careful detail and capital draw- ing, but is greatly his inferior in power and clearness of colour. Master of Antwerp guild in 1656. Works : Eucharist, Ant- werp Museum ; Flowers, etc., around Cru- cifix (1686), Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Dead Game and Flowers (figures by Teniers), Mon- keys at Table (1686), Bouquet, Dresden Gal- lery ; Garland around Belief of Madonna (1670), Berlin Museum; Festoon (1662), Schwerin Gallery ; Garland around Bust of Pomona, Fruits around Bust of Flora, Still- Life, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Four Bou- quets around Madonna (1662), Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Festoon around do., Na- ples Museum ; Flower-Pieces in Museums at Aix-la-Chapelle, Cologne, Innsbruck ; Gal- lery at Carlsruhe (2) ; Uffizi, Florence. Kramm, vi. 1709 ; Michiela, ix. 210 ; Booses (Eeber), 433 ; Van den Brandon, 1141. VEEESCHAGIN, BASIL, born at Tcher- epovets, government of Novgorod, Eussia, Oct. 14 (26), 1842. Battle and genre paint- er, pupil of St. Petersburg Academy, where he won a medal with his first picture ; after a visit to Paris, the Pyrenees, and Germany, went to the Caucasus to study Oriental sub- jects, and in 1864 to Paris to study under Geroine and at the ficole des Beaux Arts, spending his vaca- tions in the Cau- casus and on his paternal estates, where he studied the manners of Bus- sian peasantry. In 1867-70 he accom- panied General Kaufmann to Turk- estan, and after a summer spent at Antwerp and Brussels, went to the East as far as China ; in 1874- 76 visited India, and on his return settled in Paris. Joined the Eussian army dur- ing the Eusso-Turkish War, was severe- ly wounded, but after recovery reached Plevna in time to see the fortress stormed. After assisting as secretary in the peace ne- gotiations he returned to Paris, whence he again visited India in 1882 and 1884. The realistic painter par excellence of the ter- rors of war, he paints his pictures in cycles, which he will not allow to be broken up. Divided into two main groups those treat- ing of scenery and genre, and those dealing with war scenes his principal works are classified by himself in three sections, deal- ing with India, with Turkestan, and with the Eusso-Turkish War. Works : Unexpected Attack ; Opium Eaters ; Before Victory ; After Defeat ; Defence of the Citadel ; Look- ing at the Trophies ; Assault on Plevna ; After the Assault ; Apotheosis of War ; For- gotten ; Wounded Eeturning ; Our Prison- ers ; Victors ; Vanquished ; All Quiet at Shipka ; Snow Trenches on the Shipka ; Cycle from Campaign in Turkestan, do. (20) from Kusso-Turkish War, Moscow Muse- um ; Cycle (20) from History of India. A series of large paintings is in the Tretjakoff Collection at Moscow ; Frescos in the Church of the Eedeemer, ib. In 1885 he exhibited in Vienna 83 paintings, among which were : Suppression of Indian Eevolt, Entry of Prince of Wales into Jeypoor, Pearl Mosque 850