Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/544

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ZIMMEEMANN ZIMMERMANN, REINHARD SEBAS- TIAN, born at Hagenau, on Lake Constance, Jan. 9, 1815. Genre paint- er, pupil of Munich Acad- emy, where he was much influenced by Robert Eberle ; lived in 1844- 45 in Paris as portrait painter, and after visit- ing England and Belgi- um returned to Munich in 1847, and attained his first great success in 1850 with the humorous Three Magi, followed by numerous masterly and charac- teristic genre pieces of brilliant execution. Member of Berlin Academy, 1886. Gold medal, Berlin. Works : Expensive Bill, Peasants at the Castle (1853) ; Beggar Mu- sicians (1854) ; Interior in Schleissheim Cas- tle (1856), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Vac- cination Room (1858) ; Love Letter (1859), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Anniversary in Munich (1861), Cologne Museum ; Fisherman's Hut ; Newspaper Reader in Tavern Room (1862), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Anteroom of a Prince, St. Gall Museum ; Quartering of French Soldiers ; Circulating Library, Peas- ant Wedding (1867) ; Interrupted Game of Cards (1869) ; Public Dinner ; News of Vic- tory (1875) ; Village Youth as Landwehr, Convent School in Ottobeuern (1879) ; Be- fore Music Rehearsal (1880) ; Monk Artists, Quartette, Scene in Village Inn (1881) ; Monastery Orphanage (2, 1882). Works in United States : Love's Messenger, Betrothal, W. Mason, Tauuton, Mass.; Tinker, R. L. Stuart Collection, New York ; Politicians, Wine Tasters, John T. Martin, Brooklyn ; Musical Rehearsal, Home for Boys, D. W. Powers, Rochester ; Sudden Storm, J. W. Bates, Philadelphia ; Discussing the Wai- News, J. Carey Coale, Baltimore. Diosku- ren (I860), 365 ; Miiller, 574 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, xvii. 305, 596 ; Regnet, ii. 305. ZIMMERMANN, RICHARD, born at Zit- tau, March 2, 1820, died in Munich, Feb. 4, 1875. Landscape painter, brother and pu- pil of Albert Zimmermann, studied after- wards under Ludwig Richter ; went in 1838 to Munich, and afterwards lived for several years in Prague. Gold medal, Berlin. Works : April Landscape (1842), Leipsic Museum ; Shipwreck on the Coast at Carolin (1848), Dresden Museum ; Potato Harvest (1852), Winter Landscapes (3, 1849, 1853, 1859), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Winter Night, Schack Gallery, ib. ; View near Rosenheim (1861); Moonlight (1862); Rocky Land- scape, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Fish- ermen on Coast of North Sea (1863) ; Cows La Zingarella, Correggio, Naples Museum. and Sheep in Ravine ; The High Goll ; Al- pine Snow-Storm, Blacksmith Shop, John T. Martin, Brooklyn. Cotta's Kunstbl. (1843-48); Dioskuren (1861-63); Kunst- Chronik, x. 439. ZINGARELLA, LA (The Gypsy), Cor- reggio, Naples Museum. The Virgin, with an Oriental turban on her head, sitting un- der a palm, bending over Jesus, who sleeps in her lap ; above her, among the branches and clouds, hover cherubs ; a rabbit in the grass, whence called Madonna del Coniglio. The Ziugarella is commonly supposed to 468