Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/545

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ZINGARO be a portrait of Correggio's wife. Paint- ed about 1520 (?). Bought from Farnese Collection, Parma (where it was in 1587), with one hundred other pictures, in 1740, by Charles III of Naples. Much repainted. Several copies. Engraved by Frezza ; Rossi ; Bernard ; Porporati ; Toschi ; etc. Meyer, Correggio, 328, 480 ; Kunst Lex., i. 000 ; Laiidon, (Euvres, viii. PI. 5. By Garofdo (?), Pitti, Florence ; wood, H. 9 in. x 6 in. Half-figure of a woman, with a blue cloth striped with yellow on head, a white dress, and red mantle lined with green ; gold chains and jewels on forehead and neck. " Painted without doubt by Boc- caccino " (C. & C.). C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 446. ZINGARO, LO, born in Venice or at Civita di Penna, near Chieti, about 1382, died in Naples in 1455 (?). Neapolitan school ; real name Antonio Solario ; said to have been a smith and to have become a painter for love of Colantonio del Fiore's daughter ; to have studied in Bologna with Lippo Dalmasio, and in Venice, Florence, Ferrara, and Borne, under the Vivarini, Bicci, Galapo, Pisanello, and Gentile da Fabriano. His existence has been doubt- ed, but the pictures attributed to him show the effect of an Umbro-Florentiue training. Among them is a Madonna with Saints, Museum, Naples ; an altai-piece of the early part of the 16th century. Other pictures in Berlin, Munich, and Naples, which have passed under his name, are now proved to be the work of other artists. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 100 ; Burckhardt, 612 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole napolitaine ; Lanzi, ii. 5 ; Ltlbke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 564. ZIPPER (Cipper), GIACOMO FRAN- CESCO. German school. Works: Fam- ily Concert, Vegetable Market, Group of Fortune-Telling Gypsies, Italian Peasants at a Meal, Mr. Thomas Walesby, London ; four pictures in Hampton Court Gallery. Gaz. des B. Arts (1859), i. 182. ZO, ACHILLE, born at Bayonne, France, July 30, 1826. Genre painter, pupil of Cou- ture. Conservator of the Bayonne Museum. Medal, 1868 ; L. of Honour, 1886. Works : Henry IV. of England and the Prince of Wales (1853) ; Adventurers playing Cards (1855) ; Gitanos of Monte Sagrado at Gra- nada (1861) ; Posada San Rafael at Cordova (1863) ; Blind Man of Porta Doce-Cantos at Toledo (1863), formerly in Luxembourg Mu- seum ; Plaza San Francisco at Seville (1865), Marseilles Museum ; Tribunal of Moorish Kings at Granada (1868) ; Evening, Jewess of Morocco (1869) ; Dream of a Believer (1870); Ambuscade of Gitanos (1874) ; Siesta, W. Rockefeller, New York. Bellier, ii. 732. ZOFFANY, JOHANN, born at Ratisbon about 1733, died in London, Nov. 11, 1810. Real name Zauffely. Portrait painter, pu- pil in Ratisbon of Speer ; went to Rome, where he remained for twelve years. After his return he made an unfortunate marriage, and in 1758 went to England, where at first he assisted the portrait painter Benjamin Wilson ; but ho attracted the notice of Lord Bute by a portrait of Garrick, and soon acquired reputation ; sent to Italy by the king in 1775, he painted there his famous picture, The Tribune of Florence, and in 1778, for the Empress Maria Theresa, the | Imperial Family of Tuscany, for which pict- ure he was made a baron. After his return to England he went to India, in 1783, and amassed a great fortune. Member of Lon- don, Bologna, Florence, and Parma Acad- emies. Works : Portraits of Earl of Barry- more, King George III., and Queen Char- lotte with Family, of Garrick, Foote, and Weston, of all Members of Royal Academy in one picture ; Embassy of Hyder Beg (with 100 figures) ; Cock-Fight; Tiger Hunt; Portrait of Archduchess Maria Christina, Vienna Museum. Redgrave, 496. ZOLL, FRANZ JOSEF, born at Moh- ringen, Baden, in 1772, died at Munich in 1833. History and portrait painter, first instructed by his father, a sculptor and painter, then by his uncle, a fresco painter at Trostenberg, Bavaria, and finally studied at the Munich Academy under Hauber, and Dorner, the elder ; painted at first portraits, 469