Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/546

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ZONA then visted Paris and Vienna, and studied two years in Rome. In 1821 he became professor of drawing at the University of Freiburg, and in 1823 director of the gal- lery and professor at Mannheim. Works : Hercules and Hebe in Olympus, Gallery, Carlsruhe ; several Biblical Scenes, Protes- tant Church, ib.; Resurrection, Church at Mdhringen. ZONA, ANTONIO, born in 1810. His- tory and portrait painter, pupil of Venice Academy ; distinguished for the classical style of his paintings, especially his por- traits in the manner of the Venetian mas- ters of the 16th century. Lives in Venice. Works: Farewell of Tobias, Annunciation (1844) ; Raphael instructed by his Father, Titian meeting Paolo Veronese (18G2) ; Liberation of Admiral Pisani (1863) ; Gone Astray, The Flower Girl Glycera, Our First Italian Queen. Cotta's Kunstbl. (1844) ; Dioskuren (1863) ; Perseveranza (1863). ZOPPO, MARCO, latter half of 15th cen- tury. Bolognese school ; pupil in Padua of Squarcione, whom he aided probably in the decoration of the Eremitaui. Lived for a time in Venice, painted many altarpieces, and finally settled in Bologna, where he lived until at least 1498. In his earlier ef- forts he shows a tendency to imitate the stiffness and reflected modelling of brass, but he shows a better art in his Bolognese pictures. Works : Altai-piece, Collegio di Spagna ; Crucifix, and Altai-piece, Cappucci- ni ; Pieta and Head of Baptist, S. Giovanni Evangelista, Pesaro ; St. Dominic as Insti- tutor of the Rosary, National Gallery, Lon- don; Madonna Enthroned (1471, master- piece), Berlin Museum. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 345 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole bolonaise ; Burck- hardt, 577, 579 ; Ltibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 456. ZORG. See Sorgh. ZUBER, JEAN HENRI, born at Rixheim (Alsace), June 24, 1844. Landscape paint- er, pupil of Gleyre. Medals : 3d class, 1875 ; 2d class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1886. Works : Chinese Junk (1870) ; Nymphs at the Bath (1873), Chalons-sur-Marne Muse- um ; Marshes of Ferrette ; Mill at Miihl- hausen ; River 111 ; Mussel-Hunters of the Marne at Low Tide, Evening on Heath near Dinard (1876) ; River HI in Alsace, Geese at Seppois-le-Haut (1877) ; Dante and Virgil, Autumn Evening, He - et-Vilaine (1878); River Flon at Massignieu, Souvenir of Men- tone (1880) ; Evening, Daytime, Morning, Souvenirs of the Corniche Road (1881) ; The Ford (1882) ; First Rays of Dawn in Alsace, Herd of Vieux Ferrette in Alsace (1883); Bad Weather, Coming Storm (1884) ; September (1885) ; The Hollandsch Diep (1885), Luxembourg Museum ; Lost Path, After the Harvest (1886). ZUBER-BUHLER, FRITZ, bom at Locle, Switzerland ; contemporary. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Louis Gros- claude, Picot, and the iScole des Beaux Arts. Works : Infancy of Bacchus (1850) ; Dust to Dust and the Soul to God (1850) ; Poetry (1851), Neuchatel Museum ; Early Education (1853) ; Reveil, Sarah, Gour- mandise (1859) ; Visit to the Nurse, Les trouble-fete (1861) ; La reine bacchanale, A Farmer-General (1864) ; Domestic Happi- ness (1865) ; The Golden Age (1875) ; Numa Pompilius and Egeria (1876) ; Birth of Venus (1877) ; Emancipation of Woman (1879) ; Rose Harvest (1882) ; Little Co- quette (1883) ; Big Brother's little Christ- mas (1884) ; Spring as Doctor (1886) ; The Doll, Neuchatel Museum ; Award of Idle- ness, C. H. Wolff, Philadelphia. ZUCCARELLI (Zuccherelli), FRANCES- CO, born at Pitigliauo, Tuscany, in 1702, died at Florence in 1788. Florentine school ; landscape painter, pupil in Flor- ence of Paolo Anesi, then in Rome of Gio- vanni Maria Morandi, and of Pietro Nelli ; practised at first history painting, and after staying for some time in Venice travelled in Germany, Holland, and France ; was in- duced by the British consul at Venice to visit London, where he was employed for five years in painting decorations for the Opera House, and views on the Thames. 470