Page:Daany Beédxe.djvu/322

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The face of the Teacher was austere and seemed made of stone. On the horizon the Sun shone yellow and immense, accompanied by an entourage of clouds, seemingly time had stopped waiting for the response.

—You have not failed on anything. On the contrary, you have been the most virtuous apprentice and the most impeccable warrior I've ever met. You've been the mark of the spirit of the warrior. Since you were a child, the power selected you and you have dutifully met the responsibility.

However, because you are the best, the power that rules the destinies of human beings and the warriors, has chosen you to fulfill an important mission.

The warrior attempted to tell his Teacher that he wanted to go with him and the four hundred southern warriors, but Star serpent did not let him finish.

—You must listen to me carefully.

The decisions of the power are not analyzed or rejected... only complied with.

We do not have time, when the Sun hides I will go with him and we will never see each other in this world. I have to explain to you what will be your mission; listen carefully.

The warrior eyes filled with tears, not over the denial to be heard, but by knowing that he would never again see his beloved Teacher.

—Times are coming with great changes. The Feathered Serpent and the knowledge of the old Toltec grandparents will be buried, just like their buildings and their creations.