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- Pampas, number of embedded remains in, 155
- , S. limit of, 75
- , changes in, 120
- not quite level, 124, 127, 143
- , geology of, 129, 155
- , view of, from the Andes, 327
- Papilio feronia, 33
- Parana, Kio, 12(;, 139, 147
- , islands in, 134
- Parish, Sir W., on the great drought, 133
- Park, Mungo, on eating salt, 110
- Parrots, 138, 244
- Partridges, 45
- Pas, fortresses of New Zealand, 418
- Passes in Cordillera, 334
- Pasture, altered from grazing of cattle, 118
- Patagones, 64
- Patagonia, geology of, 170, 329
- , zoology of, 165, 170, 179
- Patagonian Indians, 231
- Peach-trees self-sown, 120
- Peat, formation of, 286
- Pebbles perforated, 149, 267
- transported in roots of trees, 461
- Pelagic animals in southern ocean, 161
- Penas, Gulf of, 246
- Penguin, habits of, 199
- Pepsis, habits of, 35
- Pernambuco, reef of, 498
- Pernety on hill of ruins, 196
- on tame birds, 398
- Peru, 362 to 371
- , dry valleys of, 358, 362
- Petrels, habits of, 289
- Peuquenes, pass of, 319
- Phenolite at F. Noronha, 11
- Phosphorescence of the sea, 162
- of a coralline, 202
- of land insects and sea animals, 30
- Phryniscus, 97
- Pine of New Zealand, 427
- Plains at foot of Andes in Chile, 262, 316
- almost horizontal near St. Fé, 127
- Planariæ, terrestrial species of, 26
- Plants of the Galapagos, 374, 392, 395
- of Keeling island, 454
- of St. Helena, 487
- fossil in Australia, 443
- Plata, R., 39
- , thunderstorms of, 62
- Plover, long-legged, 114
- Polished rocks, Brazil, 12
- Polyborus chimaugo, 57
- Novæ Zelandiæ, 58
- Braziliensis, 55
- Ponsonby Sound, 221
- Porpoises, 39
- Port Desire, 1 64
- , river of, 107, 1G8
- St. Julian, 170
- Famine, 233
- Portillo pass, 319, 325
- Porto Praya, 1
- Potato, wild, 285
- Potrero Seco, 350
- Prairies, vegetation of, 118
- Prevost, M., on cuckoos, 53
- Priestley, Dr., on lightning-tubes, 59
- Procellaria gigantea, habits of, 289
- Proctotretus, 97
- Proteus, blindness of, 52
- Protococcus nivalis, 322
- Pteroptochos, two species of, 270
- , species of, 278, 288
- Pueute del Inca, 334, 356
- Puffinus cinercus, 290
- Puffinuria Berardii, 291
- Puma, habits of, 136, 183, 269
- , flesh of, 117
- Puna, or short respiration, 322
- Punta Alta, Bahia Blauca, 81
- Gorda, 129, 356
- Pyrophorus luminosiis, 31
- Quadrupeds, fossil, 81, 127, 130, 155, 173
- , large, do not require luxuriant vegetation, 85
- , weight of, 87
- Quartz of the Ventana, 109
- of Tapalguen, 116
- of Falkland Island, 196
- Quedius, 10
- Quillota, valley of, 254
- Quintero, 254
- Quiriquina Island, 302