Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/117

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"I think so. I caught him making for the trucks of a baggage car."

"That's Joe's favorite way of riding," chuckled the policeman.

"I can't see why that young feller had to stop me," growled the tramp. "You folks wants me to git out, an' when I start yer hold me back."

"Why didn't you go this morning, if you were told to go? " asked Dave.

"Say, I don't move as swift as some folks. Wot's the use? Take yer time, is my motter."

"Where have you been for the last three or four hours?" asked the policeman.

"Where have I been? It won't do you no good to know, cap'n."

"Well, you tell us, just the same," said Dave. "I want to know if you have seen any other men sneaking around town to-night. If you have, it may pay you to tell me about it."

"Provided we can land on those other chaps," put in the officer.

"Oh, I see; somethin' wrong, hey?" And the tramp leered unpleasantly. "Want to pull me into it, mebbe."

"You are pulled in already," answered Officer Anderson.

"Oh, don't arrest me, an' I'll tell you everything I know!" pleaded Applejack Joe. He had once been in the Crumville jail in winter and found