Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/118

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it very cold and uninviting, and he wanted no more of it.

"What do you know?" questioned Dave.

"Answer quick. There has been a big robbery here, and if you can help us to catch the men maybe you'll get a reward."

"Reward? Say, I'm your huckleberry, young man. Wot do I know?" The tramp rubbed his unshaven chin. "Yes, that's them, I'm sure of it," he murmured, half to himself.

"Who?" demanded Dave, impatiently.

"Them two fellers I see down at Casterbury's stock-farm this afternoon. They had a bag wot looked suspicious to me, an', say; did they use dynamite, or somethin' like that?"

"They did!"

"Then that's them! Cos why? Cos when they walked past where I was hidin', I heard one of 'em say, 'Be careful o' that, we don't want it to go off an' git blowed up.'"

"Two men?" came from the policeman. "Did you know them?"

The tramp shook his head.

"Never set eyes on 'em before. But I see 'em after that, down back of that jewelry works over there," and he threw up his hand in the direction of Mr. Wadsworth's place. "Say, is that the place they robbed?" he continued, with some show of interest.