Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/261

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had paid for our passage on the Emma Brower, and we kept out of sight till the bark sailed. After the storm we landed here with those four sailors, and were waiting to sight some passing ship when you and your crowd turned up."

"What were you going to do at Barbados?"

"Keep quiet until this affair blew over and then take some English vessel for England. There, Jasniff said, he could get a certain pawnbroker to take the jewels and give us a good price for them. You'll remember, he was in England some time."

"Yes, I met him there. But, Link, didn't you realize what a crime you were committing?" went on Dave, earnestly.

"I did—after it was too late. Many a time I wanted to back out, but Nick wouldn't let me. We had a quarrel in Washington, and another in Jacksonville, and on the ship I came close to exposing him to the captain. I think I should have done it, only the hurricane came up, and then we had to hustle to save our lives."

A silence followed, for each of the boys was busy with his thoughts. Dave felt sorry for his former schoolmate, but he knew Merwell thoroughly, and knew that the fellow was more sorry because he was caught than because he had committed a great wrong. He belonged to the class of persons who are willing to repent when it is too late.