Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/262

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The day was drawing to a close, and already the sunlight had disappeared beyond the high rocks. With a deep sigh Dave arose to his feet and stretched himself, and Merwell followed suit.

"What are you going to do? " asked the former bully of Oak Hall.

"I am going to try to climb up those rocks."

"They are terribly steep!"

"I know it, but those vines look strong and we can use them as ropes. Link. But you need not try it, if you don't want to."

"Oh, if you try, so will I, Dave."

After that but little was said, both lads saving their breath for the task before them. Dave went up first, testing each vine with care as he advanced. Twice he slipped back, and once Merwell came to his aid and held him. It was a little thing to do, but it pleased our hero, and his face showed it. At last they were out of the hollow and each threw himself on the ground to rest. Then Dave walked to a near-by hill and gazed in every direction. Not a human being was in sight anywhere.

"Well, we've got to find them somehow," he said to Merwell. "Come ahead." And side by side they set off through the forest in the fast-gathering darkness.