Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/110

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four sorts are plentiful; the first three are rather scarce. The last can never approach the value of the first, albeit they will reach to heights and values infinitely beyond where they may chance to be at present; but when they reach the point now occupied by notes one, two, and three, these latter will have attained a vastly higher place on the infinite scale. Nor is this all; for the law of physical gravitation has its correspondent in the psychical realm. A stone let fall from a height reaches the ground at a constantly accelerating rate of speed, which speed is itself determined by the greater or less amount of density and weight contained within a given bulk. Thus a cubic inch of cork will be longer on the journey than a corresponding cube of solid steel. And so with the human soul. A, B, and C, being more unfolded at the start than E, F, and G, by reason of better antecedents and conditions, will, for all eternity, widen the distance at first separating them. To return. The human notes, (and those of spheres), like their correspondents of the musical staff, and of color, are governed by a law of their own. A perfect human society would be perfectly melodious and harmonic, for the reason that every individual would fill his or her proper sphere, and to which they are constitutionally fitted and adapted. Illustration: The sphere of A is sympathetical, and accordant with and to that of C and E, though not with B and F (the law of thirds and fifths), but these latter will accord withother notes with which also A can assimilate perfectly, and thus the entire human scale can affinitize, and would were it not that many uncongenial notes are huddled and jumbled together in that utter distraction and confusion