Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/111

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called Society. The sole cause of all the dissatisfaction and discord in the world is to be found in the fact, that human notes, like musical ones, often occupy wrong places on the leger lines of being; and all that is needed to set them right is not, as many world-savers imagine, a complete destruction of the existing system, but merely a little judicious transposition, to be effected by the great transposer, Common Sense.

As I gazed through the lane of light upon the man before the audience, I saw that he, like others, was a good note, capable of filling an important place in the Harmonead, but he was far from being in the right spot, and for two reasons; one of which was a too violent ambition to know mysteries beyond him, and to change sinners into saints by eloquent speech; hence he, like myself a few moments before, became impatient, the result of which was a self-doom to lower planes of thought, act and observation. I found that he was unsuccessful also from another cause. Believing himself to be right; that his knowledge was real; that his intuitions were reliable; and, knowing that many fields lay open before his soul for exploration which were sealed to others, his spirit grew restive from neglect, and the lack of attention he thought his truths demanded; and, from the hight of power, he fell to abjectness, because he could not, would not pander to the popular taste and fancy. This last was a 'sin' in the right direction truly; but one that took many a mouthful of bread from his wife and little ones, who had been well fed, clothed and cared for, if the spirit of pride had given way to policy, imposture and craft; three counterpoints which would have brought out, set off and relieved certain beauties
