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10 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. THE POOR CLERGY RELIEF CORPORATION. ESTABLISHED 1856. Incorporated by Royal Charter 1867. Patrons The Lord Archbishop of CANTERBURY and the Lord Archbishop of YORK. Vice-Patron The Lord Archbishop of ARMAGH. President The Lord Bishop of LONDON. Vice-President The Right Rev. Bishop CHAPMAN, D.D., Fellow of Eton College, &c, Treasurer Sir GJSOKGB BARROW, Bart., C.M.Q. Committee. The Ven. Archdeacon KATE, M.A., Canon of Lincoln, Rector of Riseholme, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of London. The Ven. Archdeacon FFOULKES, M.A., Canon of St. Asaph, ami Rector of Llaudyssil, Montgomery. The Ven. Archdeacon PAUL, M.A., Prebendary of Lincoln Cathedral, Stamford. Sir GEORGE BARROW, Bart., C.M.G., Ulverstone Lodge, Addison Road, Kensington, W. The Rev. T. K. ABBOTT, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. The Rev. R. H. BARNES, M.A., Prebendary of Exeter, and Rector of Heavitree. The Rev. T. BLACKBURNE, M.A., Rector of Clothall, Baldock, Herts. The Rev. JAMES BKOWELL, M.A., Vicar of St. James's, Mas well Hill, Hornsey (Vice- Chairman) . JOHN CABBEL, Esq., J.P., D.L., Cromor Hall, Norfolk; and 41, Seymour Street, W. OAPKL CURE, Esq., Blake Hall, Ongar; und 51, Grosvenor Street, W. The Rev. J. E. Cox, D.D., Vicar of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate (Chairman). The Rev. JAMES FORD, M.A., Prebendary of Exeter. H. G. HEALD, Esq., Brixton, Surrey. The Key. FRANCIS HESSET, D.C.L.', Vicar of St. Barnabas, West Kensington. RICHARD P. LONG, Esq., Rood Ashton, Trowbridge, Wilts. The Rev. G. THORNTON MOSTTN, M.A., Elgin Road, Kensington, W. (Hon. Secretary). The Rev. W. LAKE ONSLOW, M.A., Rector of Sandringham, Norfolk, and Chaplain to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. The Rev. WILLIAM READ, M.A., Worthing, Sussex. The Rev. C. S. WRIGHT, M.A., St. Silas, Sheffield. (With power to add to their nnmber.) This Corporation gives immediate help, b-th in Money and Clothing, to the Clergy of the United Church of England, Wales, and Ireland, the Colonies, thir Widows and Orphans, in sickness or other temporary distress. The Committee are guided solely in their decision by the WANT and WORTH of the applicant. During the past Seventeen Years the Corporation has aided 3,129 oases of clerical distress with Grants ranging from 5 to 25, besides numerous parcels of Clothing, Blankets, Sheeting, Boots, &c., &c. The Committee acting upon the principle thab " He givei double who gives qnickly " meet the Second and Fourth Tuesday in each month to consider the cases brought before them ; and they earnestly and confidently appeal to the wealthy Clergy and Laity to enable them to continue their Grants with undimiuished liberality. Annual Subscriptions and Donations may be paid to the account of the Trustees of " THE POOB CLERGY RELIEF CORPORATION," London and Westminster Bank, 1, St. James's Square, S.W. ; or to Sir GKORGE BARROW, Bart., Treasurer; and Daily at the Office, 36, Southampton Street, Strand; to R. T. PIGOTT, Esq., D.C.L. (the Secretary), to whom Post Office Orders and Drafts should be made payable. They will also be thank- fully received by any Members of the Committee. Society's Offices; 36, SOUTHAMPTON STREET, STRAND, LONDOJT, W.C. The Annual Report will be forwarded on application to iht Secretary.