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DEB RE IT ADVERTISEMENTS. OEPHAN WOEKING SCHOOL, MAITLAITD PAUK, HAVEBSTOCK HILL, N.W. Patrons. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES. Treasurer JOHN KEMP WELCH, ESQ. Secretary-Ma. JONADAB FINCH, 73, CHEAPSIDE, B.C. Bankers LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK, PRINCE'S STREET, E.G. INSTITUTED 17S8; INCORPORATED 1S48. Thig Charity is for the reception of orphan children of both sexes from any part of the kingdom. They are eligible between s-iveri and eleven years of age. Boys remain until fourteen, girls until fifteen or sixteen depending upon good conduct and are trained for business or for service. The education is of a superior kind, and is thoroughly practical and useful in all respect?. 3,030 have been admitted into the Schools. 400 are now under the caru of the Charity. The Elections occur in January and July in each year. Forms of application to ba obtained at the Offices. The Charity depends mainly upon voluntary contributions, and requ'rcs nearly 200 weekly for efficiently carrying on the work. Donations and subscriptions are earnestly required, and will be thankfully received at the Offices of the Charity. A Donation of 10 10s. and upwards constitutes a Governor for Life; 5 5s. a Life Subscriber ; Annual Governor, 1 Is. and upwards ; 10s. 6d. a Subscriber. All the Accounts are open to the inspection of the Governers of the Charity. Office 73, Cheapside, E.G. JONADAB FINCH, Scriary.