Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/14

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12 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. THE General Eeversionary & Investment Company, Office-No. 5, WHITEHALL, L'ONDON,' S.W. ESTABLISHED 1836. Further Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 14 & 15 Viet. cap. 130. CAPITAL, 500,000. DIRECTORS. Chairman. SETMOPR TEULON, Esq, QrputgsOjairman. JOHK CHAVE LTTXMOOBE, Esq. Colonel JOSEPH WALKER JASPBBOUSKLET. KDWARD CARLETON TUFNELL, Esq. EDWARD WALMISLEY, Esq. MATOW WTNELL ADAMS, Esq. THOMAS ALLEN, Esq. WILLIAM ROBEKT BARKER, Esq. Sir CHARLES RHODERICK McGRiGou, Bart. ; JOHN COOKES, Esq. ; GEORGB HUGHES, Esq. Messrs. DRUMMOND. Solicitor. HARRY SHOUBRIDGE, Esq., 19, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. The business of this Company consists in the PURCHASE of, or LOANS upon REVERSIONARY INTERESTS, vested or contingent, in Landed or Funded Property, or Securities ; also LIFE INTERESTS in Possession as well as in Expectation ; and POLICIES OF ASSURANCE upon LIVES. Loans upon Reversions may he obtained either at an Annual Interest, or in consideration of deferred charges, payable upon the Reversions falling in. IMMEDIATE ANNUITIES are likewise granted upon the latter principle to pprsons entitled to Reversionary Interests, who may thus obtain an income until their property falls into possession, without being called upon for any payment until that event. Prospectuses and forms of proposal may be obtained from the Secretary, to whom all communications should be addressed. By Order of the Board of Director?, WM. BARWICK HODGE, Actuary and Secretary.