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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1, OLD BROAD STREET, AND 16, PALL MALL, LONDON. INSTITUTED 1803. Capital, 1,600,000. Paid up and Invested, 700,000. Richard James Ashton, Esq. Thomas George Barclay, Esq. Robert Cooper Lee Sevan, Esq. Percival B )sanquet, Esq. James Brand, Esq. Charles Care, Esq. George Henry Chambers, Esq. Henry Davidson, Esq. Henry William Eaton, Esq., M.P. Horace B. T. Farquhar, Esq. George Hanbnry Field, Esq. John Saunders Gilliatt, Esq. JBimtorg. Alfred Gouger, Esq. William Hawthorn, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. William Burnley Hume, Esq. Samuel Hyde, Esq. William Lyall, Esq. Charles Marryat, Esq. James Gordon Murdoch, Esq. Thomas Holdsworth Newman, Esq. Frederick Pattison, Esq. Martin Tucker Smith, Esq. Richard Twining, Esq. F. A. Sevan, Esq. Charles Barclay, Esq. | Greville Horsley Palmer, Esq. | J. Hampton Hale, Esq. vjtnttHi gflxttSQtr* E. Cozens Smith, Esq. The distinguishing characteristics of this Company are MODERATE BATES. UNDOUBTED SECCTBITY. PBOMPT AND LIBERAL, SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS. Steam Thrashing Machines allowed without extra charge. Loss and Damage from Explosion of Gas in Buildings Insured made good. Erery Information and Forms of Proposal can be obtained f romthe Offices of the Company or at any of the Agencies throughout the Kingdom. FORTY-SECOND YEAR. THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1834. The usual Commission A //owed to Solicitors. CASH ASSETS ANNUAL REVENUE HAS PAID ASSURERS IN CLAIMS AND BONUS 800,000 110,000 900,000 The following Statement of Claims, with Bonuses, paid during 1872 and 1873, invites 'examination : Date of Policy. Policy Number. Sum Assured. Amount paid by Society. Proportion of Bonus paid. 1834 1834 1834 1837 1840 23 36 116 311 650 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,819 1,836 1,862 1,876 1,672 81 9 per cent. 83'tf 862 87-2 67-2 Prospectuses, Copies of Parliamentary Accounts, Proposal Forms, and all the necessary information may be obtained on application to the ACTUARY, at the HEAD OFFICE, 39, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.G.