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DEBRETT- ADVERTISEMENTS. The Liverpool & LondoiuGloknsurance Company, TBUSTEES OF COMPANY. G. Melly, Esq. H. H. Nicholson, Esq. William Paton, Esq. James Rome, Esq. T. BROCKLEBANK, Esq. ; J. HUBBACK, Esq. ; J. A. TOBIN, Esq. ILontJon. Sir CHARLES NICHOLSON, Bart., D.C.L.; WM. NICOL, Esq. ; HENRYfcV. EAST, Esq. TRUSTEE* OF GLOBE MILLION FUND. Sir OHARLES NICHOLSON, Bart., D.C.L. WILLIAM NEWMARCH, Esq., F.R.S. I W. NICOL, Esq. JOHN W. ROBINS, Esq. | Capt. HENRY WHA.TLEY TYLER, R.E. DIREOTORS.-LIVERPOOL BOARD. OFFICE NO. 1, DALE STREET. Chairman J. HUBBACK, Esq. Deputy-Chairmen H. B. GILMOUR, Esq. ; A. CASTELLAIN, Esq. Charles T. Bowring, Esq. Arthur P. Fletcher, Esq. T. Brocklebank. Esq. W. D. Holt, Esq. C. J. Corbally, Esq. H. Littledale, Esq. Alfred Fletcher, Esq. j G. H. Loxdale, Esq. " J. A. Tobin, Esq. Secretary of the Company J. M. Dove, Esq. Auditors Peter S. Boult. Esq, ; I*aac Kitchen, Esq. Medical EefereesJ. R. W. Vose, Esq., M.D. ; E. R. Bickersteth, Esq. Bankers Bank of Liverpool; Union Bank of London. Solicitors Messrs. Laces r Banner, Bird, Newton, and Richardson. DIRECTORS.-LONDON BOARD. OFFICES CORNHILL AND CHARING CROSS. Chairman Sir CHARLES NICHOLSON, Bart., D.C.L. Deputy-Chair ouin-W. NICOL, Esq. William Dent, Esq. I R. W. Gaussen, iu=q. I Ross D. Mangles, Esq. Hon. Edmund Drummond. | Hon. Sidney Carr Glyn. James Morley, Esq. Henry V. E ist, Esq. j W. Mauuaughtan, ES<I. G. D.Whatman, Esq. Actuary to the Company and Resident Secretary Augustus Hendriks, Esq. Fire Superintendent T. Septimus Marks, Esq. Auditor H. H. Caiman, Esq. Medical Referees J. R. Bennett, Esq., M.D. ; A. Anderson, Esq., F.R.C.S. Consulting Surgeon Sir. J. Paget, Bart., F.R.S. Bankers The London and County Bank ; Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie, and Co. Solicitors Messrs. Palmer, Bull, and Fry. Surveyors E. N. Clifton, Esq. ; W. Thompson, Esq. MANCHESTER-Office : 59, King Street. WEST OF ENGLAND Office: Corn Street, Bristol. LEEDS-Office : 65, Albion Street. SCOTLAND Office.-128, Ingram St., Glasgow. MELBOURNE Office : Elizabeth Street, S. PROGRESS OF THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INStftRANCE COMPANY SINCE 1850. DUBLIN Office : 1, College Green. NEW YORK Office : William Street. MONTREAL Office : Place d'Armes. SYDNEY Office : Wynyard Square. Year. Fire Premiums. Life Premiums. Invested Funds. 1851 1856 1863 1867 1874 54,305 222,279 580,000 836,816 1,082,521 27,157 72,781 210,000 259,039 254,949 502,824 821,061 3,350,000 3,401,005 4,861,837 ! Fire and Life Claims paid since its establishment amount to upwards of 12,000,000.