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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 fiatumai life tottmme S0tiet& FOR MUTUAL ASSURANCE, 2, KING WILLIAM STREET, LONDON, E.G. ESTABLISHED 1830. jjkejclcrrs, Pmident^GEORGE BURN AND, Esq.1 7ice-President THOMAS CURTIS, Esq. JOSEPH COLLING, Esq. I SIGISMUND RUCKER, Esq. RICHARD GA.RTH, Esq., Q,C. JOHN CHARLES SALT, Esq. FREDERICK LOCK, Esq. HENRY SEWELL, Esq. GEORGE NICHOLAS, Esq. The Hon. G. TALBOT. HENRY POLLOCK, Esq. Captain TYLER, late R.E. LEWIS C. BERGER, Esq. | WILLIAM D. CHESTER, Esq. JOHN CARLYON HUGHES, Esq. HERBERT DAVIES, M.D. | J. A. KINGDON, Esq. JOHN SCOTT, M.D. Messrs ROBART3, LUBBOCK, & CO. Messrs. WILDE, BERGER, MOORE, & WILDE, London. THOMAS T. MEG RED Y, Esq., 28, Westmoreland Street, Dublin. CHARLES ANSELL, Jun., Esq. THE ACCUMULATED FUND of this Society (exceeding 600,000) is of unusual magnitude in proportion to its liabilities. ALL THE PROFITS belong to the Assured, and are applied to the gradual reduction and ultimate extinction of their premiums, a result which may be expected to occur, in the average of ca ses, in about twenty years from the date of the Policy. FUNDS for the EDUCATION of CHILDREN and for their ESTABLISH- MENT IN LIFE may be provided on unusually favourable terms, on a new system lately introduced by this Society, based upon tables of mortality specially constructed for the purpose. Persons residing in the country can effect Assurances without personal attendance in London. Prospectuses and further information forwarded post free on application. HENRY JOHN PUCKLE, SECRETARY.