Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/298

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226 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. A well-balanced mind never fails. GWYDYR, BARON. (BURRELL.) PETER ROBERT BDRRELL, 4th Baron, and a Baronet, son of the Hon. Lindsey Merrik Burrell, by Frances, daughter of the late James Daniell, Esq. Born April 27th, 1870: succeeded his cousin in 1870: educated at St. John's College, Cambridge (M.A. 1830); was for many years Secretary to the Lord Great Chamberlain ; is a Magistrate and Dep. Lieut, for Suffolk, and was sometime Chairman of the Quarter Sessions ; served as High Sheriff of Suffolk 1858 : married 1st (1840) Sophia, who died 1843, only child of the late Frederick Campbell, Esq., of Barbreck, co. Ar^yle, -,and 2ndly (1856) Georgina, daughter of the late George Holford, Esq., MT., ofWestonbirt, Gloucestershire, and has issue, living, Son (by first marriage) , Willoughby Merrik Campbell, b. 1841 ; entered the Rifle Brigade as Ensign I860, became Lieut. 1865, and Capt. 1872: m. 18/3, Alary, only child of J. T. Banks, Esq., of Merrion-square, Dublin. Daughter (by second marriage) , Cicely, 6. 1858.

  • Sisters living, Marcia Sarah, m. 1st, 1851. the Rev. C. Cameron, M.A. : 2nd, W. Whit-

tington, Esq. Charlotte Anne, m. 1851, Charles Wilmot Smith, Esq., of Ballynanty- house, (co.) Limerick. Creation, Baron Gwydyr of Gwydyr, co. Carnarvon, in the peerage of England, 1796. A Baronet, 1765. &rms : Quarterly, 1st, vert, three shields argent, each charged with a bordnre engrailed or; 2nd, or, fretty azure; 3rd, argent, three battering rams inhale proper, headed and garnished azure; 4th, vert, three eagles, displayed in fesse or. ifrfst, 1st, a naked arm embowed holding a branch of laurel proper; 2nd, a Saracen's head couped and affrontee, proper, ducally crowned or. Supporters, Dexter, a grey friar habited proper; sinister, a wild man wreathed about the temples and loins. Sea ,-r-Stoke- park, Ipswich, Suffolk. Town Residence, 7, Richmond Terrace, S.W. Club, Oxford and Cambridge. GWYDYR, Baron, His lordship's predecessor was his cousin, Alberic Prummond Willoughby, 21st Baron Willoughby de Eresby, and 3rd Baron Gwydyr. He was b. Dec. 25, 1821, and succeeded his father Feb. 1865 ; educated at Eton, and at Trinity College, Cambridge; was a Dep. -Lieut, of Lincolnshire: he d. unmarried, Aug. 27th, 1870, when the title of Willoughby de Eresby fell into abeyance, and in the following year was restored to the Baroness Aveland, sister of the 21st Baron.

  • Raised in 1870 to the rank of a Baron's children.