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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. AGNEW, Lady Mary Arabella Louisa, da. of the ist Earl of Gains- borough : m. 1846 Sir Andrew Agnew, 8th Bart. Lochnaw Castle, Wigton- skire, N.B. ; 17, Princes Gate, S. W. AIREY, Hon. Lady. Harriette Mary Everard, da. of the 3rd Baron Talbot de Malahide : m. 1838 Lt.- Gen. Sir Richard Airey, G.C.B., Gov.- Gen. of the Forces. 7, Lowndes Square, S. W. ALD WORTH, Lady Mary Catherine Henrietta, el. da. of the 3rd Earl of Bandon : m. 1863 Lt.-Col. Richard William, son of Richard Oliver Aid- worth, of Newmarket House, Co. Cork. Newmarket House, Co. Cork. ALEXANDER, Lady Louisa Juli- ana, da. of the 2nd Earl of Ranfurly : m. 1839 Henry Alexander, Esq., a D.L. and a J.P. for Co. Armagh, and cousin to the Earl of Caledon. Far- kill House, Co. Armagh. ALEXANDER, Hon. Walter Philip, h.p. to the 4th Karl of Caledon. ALLEN, Lady Catherine, da. of the 4th Earl of Portsmouth : m. 1843 Seymour Phillips Allen, Esq., who d. 1861. Cresselly, Pembrokeshire. ALLEN, Lady Henrietta Dundas, da. of the ist Earl of Camperdown : m. 1832 Capt. John James Allen, R.N., of Errol Park, Perthshire, who d. 1862. 27, Chesham Street, S. W. AMHERST, Hon. Frederick, son of the and Earl Amherst ; b. 1838 ; ed. at Eton ; served in the Royal Navy 1851-6 ; and was present in the affairs in the Black Sea and the Baltic 1854-5, for which he has a medal ; entered the 1 4th Hussars as Cornet 1858, became Lieut. 1861, and Capt. 1864 ; retired 1875. Montreal, Sevenoaks ; Naval and Military Club. AMHERST, Hon. Jeffery Charles, son of the 2nd Earl Amherst ; b. 1844 ; entered the Rifle Brigade as Ensign 1863, became Lieut. 1867, and Capt. 1875- AMHERST, Hon. Percy Arthur, son of the 2nd Earl Amherst ; b. 1839 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1862). ANNESLEY, Hon. Algernon Syd- ney Arthur, h.p. to the nth Viscount Valentia. ANNESLEY, Hon. Arthur, h.p. to the 5th Earl Annesley. ANNESLEY, Hon. Mrs. Arthur Grove, da. of John Mahon, Esq.: in. 1814 Gen. the Hon. Arthur Annesley Grove (who d . 1849), son of the 2nd Earl of Annesley, 7, St. George ' s Square, S. W. ANNESLEY, Hon. George, son of the 3rd Earl Annesley, by his 2nd marriage ; b. 1837 ; m. (i) 1859 Anna Clementina, da. of James Annesley, Esq. (she^. 1860) ; (2) 1861 Georgiana Henrietta, da. of William H. Daniell, Esq., of Auburn, Westmeath. ANSON, Hon. and Rev. Adelbert John Robert, son of the ist Earl of Lichfield ; b. 1840 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1862, M.A. 1867) ; was Curate of St. John's, Wolverhampton, 1864-6, and of St. Leonard's, Bilston 1866-68 ; Vicar of St. Michael's, Handsworth 1868-70 ; Rural Dean of Himley and Vicar of Sedgley, Staffordshire 1870-75, when he was appointed Rector of Woolwich, Kent. ANSON, Hon. Augustus Henry Archibald, V.C., son of the ist Earl of Lichfield ; b. 1835 ; entered the Rifle Brigade 1853, became Lieut, 1854, Capt. 1855, exchanged to the 84th Foot 1856, and to the loth and 7th Hussars 1858; became Major 1859. and Lieut. Col. 1870 ; served in the Crimea, and was present atSebastopol, also in India at the siege and capture of Delhi, where he was wounded ; was A.D.C. to Sir Hope Grant at the 2nd relief of Lucknow, and was again wounded; was thanked bytheGov.- Gen. in Council, and repeatedly men- tioned in despatches ; received the Victoria Cross for -bravery before Lucknow ; proceeded to China as Assist. -Adj. -Gen. to the Expeditionary Force 1860, and was present through- out the campaign, including the cap- ture of the Taku Forts, and the advance on and entry into Pekin. Has the Crimean medal and clasp, the Order of the Medjidie, medal and three clasps for India, and medal and clasps for China. Sat as M.P. for Lichfield (L.)i8sQ-68, when he was an unsuccess- ful candidate ; unsuccessfully contested