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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Bewdley 1869, but was seated on petition the same year : m. 1839 Amelia Maria, da. of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Legh Claughton, Lord Bishop of Rochester. Shugborough, Staffordshire; 4, Queens Gate Ter- race, South Kensington, S. W, ; Army and Navy Club. ANSON, Hon George Augustus, son of the 2nd Earl of Lichfield ; b. 1857 ; ed. at the Royal Mil. Acad., Woolwich. ANSON, Hon. Caroline Maria, da. of the 5th Baron Vernon : m. 1845 the Rev. Frederick Anson, M.A., Canon of Windsor and Rector of Sudbury, Derbyshire. The Cloisters, Windsor Castle. ANSTRUTHER, Hon. Georgiana Christiana, 4th da. of the 5th Viscount Barrington : m. 1847 James Hamilton Lloyd Anstruther, Esq., and son of Gen. Anstruther. Hintlesham Hall, Ipswich, Suffolk. ARBUTHNOT, Hon. Charlotte Eliza, da. of the ist Baron Vivian : m. 1833 Lieut. -Gen. Charles G. J. Arbuthnot, late Col. 72d Highlanders, and el. son of the Rt. Hon. C. Arbuth- not. Woodford House, Thrapston ; 13, Chapel Street, Belgtave Square, S.W. ARBUTHNOT, Hon. Gertrude So- phia, da. of the ist Viscount Gough ; m. 1837 Archibald Francis Arbuthnot, Esq., son of Sir William Arbuthnot, ist Bart. 25, Hyde Park Gardens, W. ARBUTHNOTT, Hon. Charles James Donald, son of the 8th Viscount Arbuthnott ; b. 1823 ; entered the Bengal Lt. Cav. 1844, became Capt. 1859, and Major 1870; m. 1852, Caroline, widow of E. Paul, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ARBUTHNOTT, Hon. David, C.S.I. son of the 8t.h Viscount Arbuthnott ; b. 1820 ; entered the Bengal Civil Ser. 1841 ; was sometime Collector and Magistrate at Madura : m. 1847 Eliza, da. of Thomas Forbes Reynolds, Esq., M.D., of Wallington, Surrey. 8, Coi- ville Terrace East, Bayswater. ARBUTHNOTT, Hon. Hugh, son of the 9th Viscount Arbuthnott ; b. 1847 ; entered the 8ist Foot as Ensign 1867, and became Lieut. 1869. ARBUTHNOTT, Hon. John, h.a. to the 9th Viscount Arbuthnott. ARBUTHNOTT, Hon. Walter, son of the 8th Viscount Arbuthnott ; b. 1808 : ed. at Woolwich ; formerly Capt. 52nd Infantry; is a J.P. for Kincardineshire: m. 1835 Anne Maria, da. of Brook Taylor Ottley, Esq., of Delaford, Co. Dublin. Hatton, Kin- cardineshire. ARBUTHNOTT, Hon. William, son of the 7th Viscount Arbuthnott ; en- tered the Royal Artillery 1804, became Lieut, the same year, Capt. 1814, Major 1837, Lieut.-Col. 1841, Col. 1854, Major-Gen. 1857, and Lieut. - Gen. 1866 ; served in the Peninsula ; was present at the passage of the Douro, and the battles of Oporto, Talavera, and Busaco ; has the Pen- insula War Medal and two clasps, Hatton, Kincardineshire; 8, Regent 's Park Road, Regent's Park. ARBUTHNOTT, Hon. William, son of the 8th Viscount Arbuthnott ; b. 1821, was in the E. I. Co.'s Mil. Ser. 1841-50; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Kincardineshire ; appointed Hon. Lt. Col. Forfar and Kincardine Militia Artillery 1873 : m - 1865 Elrington, widow of Neil F. Blair, Esq., of Bal- thayock, and da. of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Neil Douglas, K.C.B., K.C.H. ARKWRIGHT, Hon. Elizabeth, da. of the 3rd Baron Kenyon : m. 1860 the Rev. George Arkwright, Rector of Pencombe, Bromyard. ARKWRIGHT, Hon. Evelyn, da. of the 3rd Viscount Sidmouth : m. 1875 Francis Arkwright, Esq., M.P. for East Derbyshire, son of the Rev. G. H. Arkwright, of Sutton Scarsdale. Coton House, Rugby. ARKWRIGHT, Lady Mary Caroline Charlotte, da. of the 2nd Earl of Strafford : m. 1862 Richard Arkwright, Esq., late M.P., son of the late John Arkwright, Esq., of Hampton Court, Hereford. 8, Cadogan Place, S. W. ARMYTAGE, Hon. Fenella, da. of the ist Baron Fitz-Hardinge : m. 1851 Lieut.-Col. Henry Armytage, of the Coldstrearn Guards, el. son of the late Col. Armytage.