Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/590

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE borough," "Defence," "Clio," "Tri- bune," "Luchez," "Research," "Vic- toria and Albert," and "Galatea;" appointed, 1872, Flag Lieut, to Com. - in-Chief at Devonport. Has sat as M.P. for Waterford co. (C.) since 1874. 10, Victoria Street, S. W. ; Marlborough Club. BERESFORD, Lord Marcus Talbot De La Poer, son of the 4th Marquess of Waterford ; b. 1848 ; entered the lath Lancers as Cornet 1867, trans- ferred to 7th Hussars the same year, and became Lieut. 1870 ; ap- pointed A.D.C. to the Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1874. BERESFORD, Lord William Les- lie De La Poer, son of the 4th Mar- quess of Waterford ; b. 1847 ; ed. at Eton ; entered the i4th Hussars as Cornet 1867, exchanged to the 9th Lancers the same year, and became Lieut. 1870 ; appointed an extra aide-de-camp to the Viceroy of India 1875. Naval and Military, and Raleigh Clubs. BERESFORD, Hon. William Mar- cus De La Poer HORSLEY-, h.a. to the 3rd Baron Decies. BERKELEY. Lady Mary Catherine, da. of the 3rd Earl of Kenmare : m. 1851 Robert Berkeley, jun., Esq. Spetchley Park, near Worcester. BERKELEY, Hon. Charles Paget Fitzhardinge, h.p. to the 2nd Baron Fitzhardinge. BERKELEY, Hon. George Charles Grantley Fitzhardinge, h. p. to the 6th Earl of Berkeley. BERNARD, Hon. and Right Rev. Charles Brodrick. (See Bishop of TUAM.) BERNARD, Hon. Henry Boyle, son of the 2nd Earl of Bandon ; b. 1812 ; ed. at Eton and at Balliol Coll., Oxford; was M.P. for Bandon (C.) 1863-8 ; is Col. of the 87th South Cork Light Infantry Militia and a T.P. for Cork : m. 1848 Matilda Sophia, da. of Lieut. -Gen. Charles Turner, of Sutton, Middlesex, Col. of the igth Regt. Coolmain Castle, Ban- don ; Pa/ace Hotel, Buckingham Gate, S. W. ; Carlton Club. BERNARD, Hon. Mrs. William Smyth, only da. of the late Lieut .-Col. Edward Gillman : m. 1831, Hon. Wil- liam Smyth Bernard (who d. 1863), son of the ist Earl of Bandon. BERTIE, Hon. and Rev. Alberic Edward, son of the 6th Earl of Abing- don ; b. 1846 ; ed. at Eton and at Merton Coll., Oxford (3rd in Law and Modern History, 1869); is Curate of All Saints', Middlesborough, BERTIE, Hon. Charles Claude, son of the 6th Earl of Abingdon ; b. 1851 ; was Lieut. Berks Militia, 1871. 73, when he became Lieut. 47th Regt- BERTIE, Hon. Francis Leveson, son of the 6th Earl of Abingdon ; b. 1844 ; appointed a Junior Clerk in the Foreign Office 1863, m. 1874 Lady Feodorowna Cecilia, da. of the first Earl Cowley. Brooks 's Club. BERTIE, Hon. George Aubrey Vere, son of the 6th Earl of Abingdon ; b. 1850 ; appointed Ensign and Lieut. Coldstream Guards 1868, and Lieut, and Capt., 1871. Wytham, Oxford; 18, GrosvenorStreet, W.; Guards' Club. BERTIE, LadyFeodorownaCecilia. (See Hon. F. L. Bertie.) BERTIE, Lady Georgina Anne Emily, da. of Lord Mark Kerr and of Charlotte (in her own right) Coun- tess of Antrim : m. 1825 the Hon. and Rev. Frederic Bertie who d. 1868 son of the 4th Earl of Abingdon, and Rector of Albury, Oxon, and of Wytham, Berks. Veston-on-thc-Green Manor, Oxfordshire. BERTIE. Hon. and Rev. Henry William, D.C.L., son of the 5th Earl of Abingdon ; b. 1812 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1833, S.C.L. 1836, B.C.L. 1840, D.C.L. 1847), was Fellow of All Souls' 1836 ; is Hon. Chap, to the 3rd Essex Vol., and since 1844 has been Vicar of Great Ilford, Essex. New University Club. BERTIE, Hon. Montague Pere- grine, h.p. to the loth Earl of Lindsey. BERTIE. Hon. Reginald Henry, son of the 6th Earl of Abingdon ; b. 1856 ; appointed Lieut. 23rd Foot 1875. BEST, Hon. Henry Molyneux, h.p. to the 3rd Baron Wynford. BEST, Hon. Mrs. Frederick Barne- wall. Charlotte Hinton, da. of Henry