Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/591

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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 519 Northcote, Esq., of Okefield, Credi- ton : m. ist, Capt. Henry Crosse, 2nd, 1870, the Hon. Frederick Barne- well Wynford who d. 18766!. son of the 3rd Baron Wynford. 4, Belve- dere, Weytnouth, BEST, Hon Robert Rainy, son of the 2nd Baron Wynford ; b. 1834 ; formerly Capt. Grenadier Guards : m . 1856 Maria Addison, da. oT T. A. Swaysland, Esq. Croft on Lodge, Ste- venage ; Junior Carlton, and Junior Naval and Military Clubs. BEST, Hon. Mrs. Samuel, da. of Lieut. -Col. Charles Duke : m. 1835 the Hon. and Rev. Samuel Best, who d. 1873, son of the ist Baron Wyn- ford. Thruxton, Andover. BETH ELL, Hon. Edward Alexan- der, R.X., h.p. to the 3rd Baron Westbury. BETHELL, Hon. Slingsby, son of the ist Baron Westbury ; b. 1831 ; ed. at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1853) ; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple 1857 ; was sometime Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy, and has been Reading Clerk and Clerk of Committees in the House of Lords since 1865 : m. 1855 Caroline, da. of the late William Chaplin, Esq., M.P. 18, Queen s Gate Terrace, W. BETHELL, Hon Walter John, son of the ist Baron Westbury ; b. 1842 ; ed. at Eton and at Balliof Coll., Ox- ford (B.A. 1864) ; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple 1868. 75, Lan- caster Gate, W. ; Arlington, Graf ton, and New University Clubs. BEYTAGH, Hon. Sarah, da. of the 2nd Baron Ffrench : m. 1810 Edward James Beytagh, Esq., of Cappagh, Galway, who d. 1832. BIBER-ERSKINE. (SeeERSKiNE.) BlDDULPH, Hon. Mary Agnes, da. of the I7th Baron Somerville (title dormant): ;;/. 1872 Sir Theo- philus William Biddulph, 7th Bart. Birdingbury Hall, Rugby. BIDWELL, Lady Selina Catherine, da. of the 3rd Earl of Clanwilliam : ///. (i) 1854 Gran vi lie Edward Har- court Vernon, Esq. (who d. 1861); (2) 1862 John Bidwell,Esq.,of the Foreign Office. 91, Onslow Square, S. W. BINGHAM, Hon. Albert Yelverton, son of the 3rd Baron Clanmorris ; b. 1840 : m. 1858 Caroline, youngest da. of James Begbie, Esq., M.D. BINGHAM, Hon. Mrs. Barry ; m. 18 , the Hon. Barry John Bingham (who d. 1868) son of the 3rd Baron Clanmorris. Upleadon, Xcwent, Gloucestershire. BINGHAM, Hon. George John Barry, h.a. to the 4th Baron Clanmorris. BINGHAM, Hon. Richard, son of the 3rd Earl of Lucan ; b. 1847 ; is Lieut, in H.M.S. " Lord Warden. " BiRKBECK, Hon. Mary Augusta, da. of the ist Baron Hylton : m. 1865 Edward Birkbeck, Esq. Hor- stead Hall, Norwich ; 10, Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. BLACKETT, Hon. Julia Frances, da. of the i7th Baron Somerville (title dormant] : m. 1871 Lieut. -Col. Ed- ward W. Blackett, el. son of Sir Edward Blackett, 6th Bart, i, Car- lisle Street, Victoria Street, S. W. BLACKWOOD, Lady Alicia, da. of Viscount Kilcoursie, and sister of the 8th Earl of Cavan ; raised to the rank of an Earl's daughter 1838 : m. 1849 the Rev. James Stevenson Blackwood, LL. D., D. D. , late Vicar of M iddletonTyas, Richmond, Yorkshire. Boxmoor House, Boxmoor, Herts. BLACKWOOD, Lady Amelia, sister of the 6th Earl of Essex ; raised to the rank of an Earl's da. 1839 : m. 1859 the Hon. Henry Stephenson Blackwood, son of the 3rd Baron Dufferin, and a Queen's Foreign Office Messenger (he d. 1865). ^ t Cado- gan Place, S. W. BLACKWOOD, Hon. Archibald Temple, h.a. to the 5th Baron Duf- ferin and Claneboye. BLACKWOOD, Hon. Mrs. William. Eliza, da. of the late R. Hamilton, Esq. : m. 1832 the Hon. and Rev. William Stear Blackwood, who d. 1874, son of 3rd Baron Dufferin and Claneboye. 33, Binsvuood Avenue, Leamington. BLAIR, Hon. Eleanora Jane Ross, da. of the ist. Baron Moncrieff : in. 1873 Patrick Blair, Esq., Writer to Signet, Edinburgh. BLAKENEY, Hon. Mary Sophia,