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582 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Hooper, Esq., son of the late Rev. W. F. H. Hooper. Snittcrfield, Strat- ford-on-Avon . HOPE, Hon. Anne Carmichael da. of the 8th Baron Napier : m 1847 Capt. the Hon. George Hope R.N. (who d. 1854), son of the 5th Earl of Hopetoun. Addington House, Winslow. HOPE, Hon. Caroline Georgiana, da and co-heir of the and Baron Montagu (title extinct] ; b. 1811 : m. 1836 George William Hope, Esq., M.P. for Windsor, who d. 1863. HOPE, Hon. Charles, son of the 4th Earl of Hopetoun ; b. 1808 ; ed. at Edinburgh ; called to the Bar in Scotland 1831 ; sat as M.P. for Lin- lithgowshire 1838-45 ; appointed a Commr. of Greenwich Hospital 1841, and was Lieut. -Gov. of the Isle of Man 1845-60 ; is a D.L. and a j.P. for Linlithgowshire : m. 1841 Lady Isabella Helen Douglas, da. of the 5th Earl of Selkirk. Bridge Castle, Bathgate, N.B. HOPE, Hon. Charles Archibald, h.f. to the yth Earl of Hopetoun. HOPE, Hon. Gertrude, sister of the 1 5th Baron Elphinstone ; raised to the rank of a Baron's da. 1861 : m. 1850 James Hope, Esq., Writer to the Signet. Belmont, Edinburgh. HOPE, Hon. Lewis, son of the 4th Earl of Hopetoun ; b, 1817 ; was Capt. in the Guards : m. 1859 Susan Frances Sophia, da. of William John Dumaresq, Esq. HOPE, Lady Isabella Helen. (See Hon. Charles HOPE.) HOPE, Lady Mary Frances, da. of the 7th Earl, and sister of the ist Marquess of Westmeath : m. 1837 Lieut. -Col. the Hon. James Hope- Wallace (who d. 1854) ; has discon- tinued the name of Wallace, which her husband had assumed. 7, Ovitig- ton Gardens, S. W. HOPE, Lady Mildred Arabella Charlotte Henrietta BERESFORD-, da. of the 2nd Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. : m. 1842 Alexander James B. Beresford-Hope, Esq., LL.D., M.P. for the Univ. of Camb. Bedgebury Park, Cranbrook ; Beresford Hall, Ashbourne ; i, Connaught Place, W. HOPE-SCOTT. (See SCOTT.) HOPE-VERE. (See VERE.) HOPWOOD, Hon. Cecilia, da. of the 5th Viscount Torrington : m. 1805 Robert Hopwood, Esq., of Hop- wood Hall, Middleton, Lancashire, who d. 1854. HOPWOOD, Lady Ellinor Mary, da. of the 13* Earl of Derby, K.G. : m. 1835 the Rev. Frank George Hop- wood, M.A., formerly Incumbent of Knowsley, and now a Rural Dean, Hon. Canon of Chester, and since 1855 Rector of Winwick. Newton-lc- Willows. HORE-RUTHVEN. (See RUTH- VEN.) HORLOCK, Hon. Isabella, da. of the 4th Viscount Bolingbroke : m. 1857 Frederick Geldart Webbe Hor- lock, Esq. HOTHAM,Hon.Lady. JaneSarah, da. of the 2nd Baron Bridport : m. (i) 1838, Hugh Holbech, Esq., of Farnborough, Warwickshire (who d. 1849) ; (2) 1853 Commodore Sir Charles Hotham, K.C.B., R.N. (who ^.'1855); (3) l86 Ca Pt- William Armytage, R. N., who d. 1872. Knightleys, Exeter. HOWARD, Hon. Cecil Ralph, h.p. to the 5th Earl Wicklow HOWARD, Hon. Charles, son of the ist Earl of Effingham ; b. 1807 ; ed. at Harrow ; was sometime an officer in the 2nd Foot Guards. HOWARD, Hon. Charles Went- worth George, M.P., son of the 6th Earl of Carlisle ; b. 1814 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1836) ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for Cumberland, and has been M.P. for East Cumberland (L.) since 1840 : -in. 1842 Mary Priscilla Harriet (who d. 1 843 ), da. of the i st and last Baron Wen- leysdale. Naworth Castle, Brampton, Cumberland ; Palace Green, Kensing- ton, W. ; Brooks' s and Travellers' Clubs. HOWARD, Lady Constance Eleora Caroline. (See Hon. Frederick C. HOWARD.) HOWARD, Lady Frances Mar- garet, da. of the i6th Earl of Suffolk ; b. 1817 ; was Lady of the Bedchamber