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YOUNGKR SONS AND MARKIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 583 to the Duchess of Kent. 5, Graf ton Street, Piccadilly, W. HOWARD, Lady Louisa. (See Hon. James K. HOWARD.) HOWARD, Hon. Frederick Charles, son of the 2nd Earl of Effingham ; b. 1840 ; ed. at Harrow ; entered the Coldstream Guards 1859, became Lieut, and Capt. 1863, retired 1866 ; was cornet Queen's Own Oxfordshire Yeo. Cav. 1868-72 ; has been Adj. 3rd West York Militia since 1871 : m. 1871 Lady Constance Eleanora Caro- line Finch-Hatton, da. of the loth Earl of Winchilsea. 57, Eaton Place. HOWARD, Lord Edmund Bernard FITZALAN-, h.p. to the i5th Duke of Norfolk. HOWARD, Hon. Francis Edward FITZALAN-, h.a. to the ist Baron Howard of Glossop. HOWARD, Hon. Greville Theo- philus, son of the i7th Earl of Suffolk ; /;. 1836 ; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; appointed a Commissioner of Lunacy 1873. 14, St. James's Place, S. IK ; Arthurs Club. HOWARD, Hon. Henry George, son of the 6th Earl of Carlisle ; b. 1818 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Carnb. (M.A. 1838) ; was Attache at Paris 1838-46, Sec. of Legation at the Hague 1846-8, at Lisbon 1848-51, and at Vienna 1851-3, and Sec. of Embassy at Paris 1853-8; appointed Envoy Extra, and Min. Plen. at Florence 1858, resigned the same year : m. 1845 Mary Wellesley (who d. 1850), da. of John Mactavish, Esq., of Baltimore. D 6, Albany, V. ; I Vhites and Travellers Clubs. HOWARD, Hon. James Kenneth, son of the i6th Earl of Suffolk ; /;. 1814 ; ed. at the Charterhouse ; was Private Sec. to the late Lord Palmer- ston 1835-41, and for a short time a Groom-in-Waiting to H.M. ; has been Commr. of Woods and Forests since 1855; sat as M.P. for Malmesbury 1841-52 ; is a D.L. for Hants, and a J.P. for Co. Southampton : m. 1845 Lady Louisa Petty Fitz-Maurice, da. of the 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne, K.G. Hazelby, Newbury, Berkshire; Travellers Club. HOWARD, Hon. Rosalind Frances, da. of the 2nd Baron Stanley of Al- derley :, m. 1864 George James How- ard, Esq. i, Palace Green, Kensing- ton Palace, W. HOWARD, Hon. and Rev. William, son of the ist Earl of Effingham ; b. 1815; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A., 3rd class in Classics and Math. 1837, M.A. 1840); has been a Preb. of York since 1868, and Proctor for Chapter of York in Convocation of Province of York since 1865 ; re-appointed Rural Dean 1873 ; is Domestic Chap, to the Earl of Effingham , and a J.P. for the W. R. of Yorks : m. 1862 Barbara Frances Wilhelmina, da. of Lieut.- Gen. Chester, R.A. ; since 1841 has been Rector of Whiston, Bother- ham. HOWARD, Hon. Mrs. Fulke Greville ; da. of the late Richard Bagot, Esq. ; m. 1807 Col. the Hon, Fulke Greville Upton (who d. 1846) son of the ist Baron Templeton, and who assumed by sign manual the name of Howard. Castle Rising, Norfolk; A shied Park, Epsom ; Levens Hall, Mihithorpe; Elford, Lich- ficld. HOWARD, Hon. Mrs. Henry, da. of Ichabod Wright, Esq. : m. 1824 Hon. and Very Rev. Henry Edward John Howard, Dean of Lichfield (who d. 1868), son of the 5th Earl of Car- lisle. HOWE (CURZON-HOWE). (See CURZON.) HUBBARD, Hon. Maria Margaret, da. of the 8th Baron Napier : in. 1837 the Rt. Hon. John G. Hubbard, Esq., M.P. for London. Adding/on Manor, Vinslow; 24, Prince's Gate, V. HUDDLESTON, Lady Diana, de Vere, da. of the gth Duke of St. Albans: m. 1872 the Hon. Sir John Walter Huddleston, a Judge of the High Court of Judicature. 19, Princes Terrace, Hyde. Park South. HUDSON, Hon. Julia, da. of the 3rd Baron Macdonald : ;;/. 1838 the Rev. C. Hudson, Rector of Trowell,