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588 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE KENYON, Hon. and Rev. William Trevor, son of the 3rd Baron Ken- yon ; b. 1847 ; ed. at Harrow and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 2nd Class in Classics 1870, M. A. 1873); is Patron of Pulverbach, R. Salop ; was for a short time Vicar of Penley, 1873 : m. 1871 Anne McKerrell (who d. 1874) only da. of the late Adam Hay-Gor- don, Esq., of Avochie, N.B. ; has been since 1873 Rector (Higher Me- diety) of Malpas, Cheshire. KEPPEL, Hon. and Rev. Edward Southwell, son of the 4th Earl of Albemarle ; b. 1800 ; ed. at West- minster and at Caius Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1820) ; has been Hon. Canon of Norwich since 1844; is a J.P- for Norfolk : m. 1828 Lady Maria Cle- ments, da. of the 2nd Earl of Leitrim, K.P. Appointed 1824 Rector of Quidenham, Attleborough, Norfolk. KEPPEL, Hon. Sir Henry, G.C.B- son of the 4th Earl of Albemarle ; b. 1809 ; entered the R.N. 1822, became Rear-Adm. 1862, Vice-Adm. 1864, and Adm. 1869; commanded the " Childers" in Mediterranean and Coast of Africa 1837, the " Dido " in the China War of 1842, and the "Maeander" in China and the Pacific 1849; was Capt. of the "St. Jean d'Arc " in the Baltic 1854, and com- manded the Naval Brigade at Sebas- topol ; in 1857 he went again to China with a Commodore's pennant, flying in the " Raleigh," which frigate was unfortunately lost by striking on an unknown rock; commanded a Div. of Boats in the Fetsham Creek affair in China 1857-8; is a Com. of the Legion of Honor, and a Knight of the Med- jidie ; has been Com. -in-Chief at the Cape, and on the S.E. Coast ot America, and was in command on the China and India station 1866-69; awarded a good service pension 1870 ; was H.M. 1859-60 ; unsuccessfully contested Portsmouth 1859 ; made an Hon. D.C.L. of Oxford 1870; is a J.P. for Hamp- shire ; was Coin. -in-Chief at Devon- port, 1872-75: m. (i) 1839 Katherine Louisa (who d. 1859), da. of the late Gen. Sir John Crosbie, G.C.H. ; (2) 1861 Jane Elizabeth, da. of Martin John West, Esq. Devouport ; Grove Lodge, Winkfield, Bracknell, Berks; United Service, and Junior Naval and Military Clubs. KEPPEL, Hon. Mrs. Thomas Robert, da. of Sir T. B. Lennard. Baronet ; b. 1809 : m. 1833 the Hon. and Rev. Thomas Robert Keppel (who d. 1863), son of the 4th Earl of Albemarle. 37, Bouverie Square, Folkestone. KEPPEL, Lady Maria. (See Hon, Edward S. KEPPEL.) KER, Lord Charles John INNES- T son of the 6th Duke of Roxburgh, K.T. ; b. 1842 ; entered the Scots Fusilier Guards 1863, and became Lieut, and Capt. 1866 : m. 1866 Blanche, da. of Col. Thomas Peers Williams, of Craig-y Don, Anglesey, late M. P. for Great Marlow. 44, Rut- land Gate, W. ; Guards Club. KERR, Lady Amabel. (See Lord Walter Talbot KERR.) KERR, Lord Charles Lennox, son of the 6th Marquess of Lothian, K.T. ; b. 1814 ; has been Capt. 42nd Foot ; was A.D.C. to the Lord-Lieut, of Ireland 1846-7 ; has been Adj. Perth- shire Militia since 1854: m. 1839 Emma Charlotte, da. of Col. Thomas Hanmer, and sister of the ist Baron Hanmer. KERR, Lord Frederic Herbert, son of the 6th Marquess of Lothian, K.T. ; b. 1818; entered the R.N. 1831, became Lieut. 1840, Com. 1846, Capt. 1852 Rear-Adm. 1868, and Vice-Adm. 1873, placed on retired list 1870 ; was Lieutenant of the "Gorgon" at the bombardments of Beyrout and Acre 1840 ; appointed a Groom-in-Waiting to H.M. 1868: m. 1846 Emily Sophia, da. of Gen. Sir Peregrine Maitland, G. C. B. The Lea, Crookham, Farnham ; United Ser- vice Club. KERR, Lord Henry Francis Charles, 3rd son of the 6th Marquess of Lothian, K.T. ; b. 1800 ; ed. at St. John's Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1821) ; was Rector of Dittisham, Devon 1827-52 ; is a J.P. for Devonshire : m. 1832 Louisa Dorothea, only da. of Gen. the Hon. Sir Alexander Hope, G. C. B. Huntlyburn, Me/rose, N.B. ; Travellers' Club.