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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 6l 3 Cecilia, youngest da. of George Thomas Wyndham, Esq., of Cromer Hall, Norfolk. Bushey Park, Ted- din gton, Middlesex ; 56, Queen Anne Street, W. ; United Service Club. PAGET, Lord Alexander Victor, son of the 2nd Marquess of Anglesey by tiis 2nd marriage ; b. 1839 ; late Lieut, in Queen's Own Staffordshire Cav., retired 1872. PAGET, Rt. Hon. Lord Clarence Edward, K.C.B., son of the ist Mar- quess of Anglesey by his 2nd marriage; b. 1810 ; ed. at Westminster ; is an Adm. ; served at Navarino, and com- manded the ' ' Princess Royal " in the Baltic 1857 ; sat as M.P. for Sandwich 1847-52 and 1857-66 ; was Sec. to the Master-Gen, of the Ordnance 1846-52, Sec. to the Admiralty 1859-66, and Com.-in-Ch. of the Mediterranean Fleet 1866-70; is a J.P. for Angle- sey, and High Sheriff for that Co. 1874 ; made a C.B. 1856, a P.C. 1866, and a K.C.B. 1869 : m. 1852 Martha Steward, youngest da. of Adm. Sir Robert Waller Otway, G.C.B., ist Bart. Plas Llanfair, Anglesey ; 7, Cromwell Gardens, IV. PAGET, Hon. Emma Mary, da. of the 3rd Baron Auckland : m. 1856 the Rev. Edward H. Paget, Vicar of Hoxne, near Scale. PAGET, Lord George Augustus Frederick, K.C.B., son of the ist Marquess of Anglesey, K.G., by his 2nd marriage ; b. 1818 ; ed. at West- minster ; entered the 4th Dragoons 1834, became Lieut. 1837, Capt. 1844, Brig. -Gen. in Turkey 1855, Major-Gen. 1 86 1, Col. 7th Dragoon Guards 1868, Lieut. -General 1871, and Col. 4th Hussars, 1874 ; served in the Crimea 1854-5 ; commanded the 4th Light Dragoons at the battle of the Alma, and was in the Light Cavalry charge at Balaklava ; commanded the Light Cav. Brig, at the battles of Inkerman and the Tchernaya, and commanded a Div. in Bengal ; is Inspector Gen. of Cav. ; has the Crimean medal and clasps ; is a Knight of the Legion of Honor and of the Medjidie, and has the Sardinian and Turkish medals ; madeaC.B. 1855, and a K.C.B. 1869; sat as M.P. for Beaumaris 1846-57 : m. (i) 1854 Agnes Charlotte (who d. 1858), da. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Paget, G.C.B. ; (2) 1861 Louisa, da. of Charles Heneage, Esq. Plasnewydd, Beanmaris ; i, Farm Street, May Fair, W. ; White's, Travellers' , and United Service Clubs. PAGET, Lord Henry, h.p. to the 3rd Marquess of Anglesey, PAKENHAM, Hon. Francis John, son of the 2nd Earl of Longford ; b. 1832 ; appointed Attache to the Le- gation at Lisbon 1852, Paid Attache' at Mexico 1854, at Copenhagen 1858, 2nd Sec. in the Diplo. Ser. 1802 ; transferred to Vienna 1863 ; was Sec. of Legation at Buenos Ayres 1864-5, and employed on special ser- vices in Paraguay ; was Sec. at Rio de Janeiro 1865-8, in which year he was transferred to Stockholm, and . also to Brussels, and thence to Wash- ington ; has acted several times as Charge' d'Affaires ; appointed Sec. of Legation at Copenhagen, 1874. Copenhagen; St. James's and Tra- vellers Clubs. PAKENHAM, Hon. Frederick Beauchamp, son of the 2nd Earl of Longford ; b. 1823 ; entered the 96th Foot as Ensign 1842, became Lieut. 1846, Capt. 1850, Major 1859, and Major roth Hussars 1867. IB, King Street, S. IV.; Army and Navy Club. PAKENHAM, Hon. Thomas Alex- ander, son of the 2nd Earl of Long- ford ; b. 1820 ; entered the R.N. 1834, became Lieut. 1844, Com. 1856, and Post. -Capt. 1863 ; placed on retired List 1870 ; served in the Crimean War : m. 1853 Sophia Frances, da. of Sir Tatton Sykes, 4th Bart. Carl- ton and United Service Clubs. PAKINGTON, Hon. Herbert Per- rott Murray, son of the ist Baron Hampton : b. 1848 ; ed. at Wellington Coll., and at Merton Coll., Oxford (B.A.) 1870, M.A. 1875). Junior Carlton Club. PAKINGTON, Hon. John Slaney, h.a. of the ist Baron Hampton. PAKINGTON, Lady Diana. (See Baron HAMPTON.) PALEY, Hon. Clara Emily Char- lotte, only da. of the and Baron Ray- leigh : m. 1871 John, el. surviving son of the Rev. George B. Paley, of