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6i 4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Langcliffe, Yorkshire, and Rector of Frcckenham, Suffolk. PALK, Hon. Constance Mary, da of the 7th Viscount Barrington, M. P. b. 1847: m. 1868 L. H. Palk, Esq. el. son of Sir Lawrence Palk, M.I 3 for East Devon, 4th Bart. Shriven- ham House, Shrivenham, PALMER, Hon. William Walde- grave,/z.<z. to the ist Baron Selborne. PALMER, Lady Augusta Amelia, da. of the gth Earl Ferrers : m. 1873 Sir Archdale Robert Palmer, 4th Bart. Wanlip Hall, Leicestershire. PARE, Hon. Geraldine, sister of the 23rd Baron de Ros : m. 1830 the Rev. Frederick Pare, M.A. Joosma House, Isle of Wight ; 5, Dcllcvue Place, Southampton. PARKER, Hon. Algernon Robert, son of the 6th Earl of Macclesfield; b. 1849 ; is at Ch. Ch., Oxford. PARKER, Hon. Augusta, da. of the ist Baron Westbury; is author of numerous works for children : m. 1873 Henry Charles Adamson Parker, Esq., son of the late Kenyon S. Parker, Esq., Q.C. , PARKER, Hon. Cecil Thomas, son of the 6th Earl of Macclesfield ; b. 1845 ; entered the Rifle Brigade as Ensign 1863, became Lieut. 1867, and retired 1870 : m. 1870 Rosamond Es- ther Harriet, youngest da. of the late Most Rev. Dr. Longley, Archbishop of Canterbury. Junior Carlton Club. PARKER, Hon. Francis, son of the 6th Earl of Macclesfield ; b. 1851 ; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford. (B.A. 1873). PARKER, Hon. Reginald, son of the 6th Earl of Macclesfield ; b. 1854. St. Stephens' Club. PARKER, Lady Adelaide Helen. (See Hon. William Frederick DAW- NAY.) PARKER-JERVIS. (See JERVIS.) PARKYNS, Hon. Emma Louisa, da. of the ist Baron Westbury : m. 1854 Mansfield Parkyns, Esq. 59, Princes Square, W. PARNELL, Hon. and Rev. George Damer, son of the ist Baron Congle- ton ; b. 1810 ; ed. at Downing Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1842) ; was Incumbent of St. Thomas's, Elson, 1857-61 : m. 1832 Catherine, da. of the late Sir John St. Aubyn, the last baronet of the ist creation ; has been since 1 86 1 Vicar of Long Cross, Chertscy. PARNELL, Hon. Henry William, h.p. to the 2nd Baron Congleton. PARRY, Lady Elizabeth Maude, da. of the ist and last Baron Herbert of Lea, and sister of the i3th Earl of Pembroke; b. 1851: m. 1872 C. Hubert Hastings Parry, Esq., son of Gambier Parry, Esq., of Highnam Court, Glou- cestershire. PARSONS, Hon. Jane. (See Hon. Lawrence PAKSONS.) PARSONS, Hon. Lawrence, son of the 2nd Earl of Rosse ; b. 1805 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin; was Lieut. - Col. King's Co. Militia 1847-55, and is a J.P. for that Co. : m. (i) 1836 Lady Elizabeth Toler (who d. 1844), da. of the 2nd Earl of Norbury ; (2) 1849 the Hon. Jane Duncombe, da. of the 2nd Baron Feversham. Bccn- ham House, Reading. PARSONS, Hon. Randal, son of the 3rd Earl of Rosse ; ed. at Trin. Coll. Dublin; (B.A. 18 .) PAULET, Lady Charles. Mathe- wana, da. of Bernard Granville, Esq., of Wellesbourne Hall, Warwick : m. 1850 as his 2nd wife the Rev. Lord Charles Paulet, who d. 1870, son of the 1 3th Marquess of Winchester. Wallesbourne, Warwick. PAULET, Lord George, C.B., son of the i3th Marquess of Winchester; b. 1803 ; ed. at the Royal Naval Coll. ; entered the R.X. 1817, became Lieut. 1822, Com. 1828, Capt. 1833, Rear-Adm. 1857, Vice-Adm. 1863, and Adm. on Retired List 1867; is an Officer of the Legion of Honor and of the Medjidie : m. 1835 Geor- gina, da. of Gen. Sir George Wood, K.C.B., of Ottershaw Park, Surrey. 21, Marlborough Hill, St. John's Wood. PAULET, Lord William, G.C.B., son of the i3th Marquess of Winches- ter ; b. 1804 ; ed. at Eton ; entered the Army 1821, became Lieut, 1822, Capt. 1825, Major 1830, Lieut.-Col. 1843, Col. 1854, Maj.-Gen. 1858, Lt.- Gen. 1867. and Gen. 1874; appointed