Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/687

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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. Equerry to the Duke of Cambridge 1851 ; served in the Crimea as Assist. Adj. -Gen. of Cav. Div., and after- wards commanded the Light Div. ; was at the battles of the Alma, Balak- la. r a, and Inkerman ; made a C. B. , and Com. in the Bosphorus, with the local rank of Major-Gen. 1855 ; is Col. of the 68th Light Infantry ; was Com. of the S.W. District 1660-5, and was Adj. -Gen. of the Forces 1865-70; has the Crimean medal with clasps, and is a Com. of the Sardinia Order of St. Maurice and St. Laza- rus, and a Knight of the Legion of Honor and of the Medjidie ; appoint- ed 1870 a Commr. of the Royal Mil. Coll., Sandhurst, and of the Mil. Asylum, Chelsea. 16, Sf. James's Square, S. W. : Whites, United Ser- vice, and Travellers Clubs. PEARSON, Hon. Lady. Alicia Anne, da. of the 3rd Viscount Liffbrd: in. 1841 Sir Edwin Pearson, F.R.S. Siinnysidc, Wimbledon, S. W. PEEL, Hon. Adelaide Frances Isabella, 3rd da. of the 2nd Baron Sudeley: m. 1859 the Rev. Frederick Peel, Curate of Cowleigh, W. Malvern, and son of the late Rt. Hon. William Yates Peel. Barasic House, Malvern Link, Worcestershire. PEEL, Lady Alicia Jane, da. of the ist Marquess of Ailsa, K.T. : m. 1824 Lieut.-Gen. the Rt. Hon. Jona- than Peel, late M.P. for Huntingdon, who was Sec. of State for War 1858-9 and 1866-7. Marble Hill, Twicken- ham; 8, Park Place, S. W. PEEL, Hon. Caroline Georgiana, da. of the ist Baron Templemore : in. 1848 Charles Lennox Peel, Esq. Woodcraft, Cuckficld, Sussex. PEEL, Lady Emily, da. of the 8th Marquess of Tweeddale, K. T. , G. C. B. : m. 1856 the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 3rd Bart., G.C.B., M.P. for Tarn- worth, late Ch. Sec. for Ireland. Dray- ton Manor, Tamiuorth; A, Whitehall Gardens, S. W. PEEL, Lady Georgiana Adelaide, da. of the ist Earl Russell, K.G. : m. 1861 Archibald Peel, Esq., son of Gen. Rt. Hon. Jonathan Peel, late M.I', for Huntington. ThcGct~wyn t Wrex- ham. PEEL, Hon. Caroline Susan Mary Stapleton, da. of the 2nd Viscount Combermere : m. 1867 Lieut. -Col. Cecil Lennox Peel, of the Scots Fusilier Guards. The Cottage, East- hampstead Parh, Wokingham. PEIRSE, Lady Adelaide Mary Lucy BERESFORD-, da. of the 3rd Earl of Bandon': m. 1873 Sir Henry Monson de la Poer Beresford-Peirse, 3rd Bart. Bcdale Hall, Bedale. PELHAM, Hon. Alice. (See Hon. and Rev. Francis G. PELHAM.) PELHAM, Hon. Arthur Lowther, son of the 3rd Earl of Chichester ; b. 1850 ; ed. at Eton and Trin. Coll. Camb. (B.A. 1871.) PELHAM, Hon. and Rev. Francis Godolphin, son of the 3rd Earl of Chichester; b. 1844: ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll. Camb. (B.A.i867, M.A. 1872) ; wasCurate ofDoncaster 1869-70, and of St. Pancras, Middlesex, 1870- 72, and Rector of Upton Pyne, Devon, 1872-5 : vi. 1870 the Hon. Alice Carr Glyn, da. of the ist Baron Wolverton. Has been since 1875 Rector of St. M.ary's, Bcverley. PELHAM, Hon. and Right Rev. John Thomas, D.D., son of the 2nd Earl of Chichester ; is Lord Bishop of Norwich. (See Lords Spiritual.) PELHAM, Hon. Thomas Henry William, son of the 31x1 Earl of Chichester ; b. 1847 ; ed. at Eton and Trin. Coll. Camb. (M.A. , 2nd class Law Tripos 1870) ; called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1871. 63, Lin- coln s Inn Fields, W.C. PELHAM, Hon. Evelyn Cornwallis, son of the 2nd Earl of Yarborough ; b. 1851; was Lieut. N.Lincoln Militia ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Hants : m. 1872 Harriet Frances, youngest da. of the Rev. George Hutton. 29, Bel- gravc Square, S. W. ; St. Lawre/ue, Isleof Wight ; Sudbrook Holme, Lin- coln; Boodle s and St. James's Club.

PELHAM, Hon. Victor Ralph 

Anderson, h.p. to the 4th Earl of Yarborough. PELHAM, Hon. Mrs. Dudley Worsley Anderson, da. of Sir John Gordon Sinclair, Bart. : in. 1839 Capt. the Hon. Dudley Worsley