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6x6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Anderson Pelham, R.N., M.P. (who d. 1851), son of the ist Earl of Yar- borough. PELHAM, Hon. Mrs. Frederick Thomas, da. of Rowland Mitchell, Esq. : m. 1841 Rear-Adm. the Hon. Frederic Thomas Pelham, C.B. (who d. 1861), son of the 2nd Earl of Chichester. PELLEW, Hon. Mrs. Percy Taylor, 3rd da. of Francis Lascelles, Esq. : m. 1836 Hon. Percy Taylor Pellew (who d, 1848), son of the 2nd Visct. Exmouth. PELLEW, Hon. Mrs. Fleetwood John. Emily Sarah, youngest da. of the late Thomas Ferguson, Esq., of Greenville, Co. Down: m. (i) 1860 Hon. Fleetwood John Pellew (who d. 1866), son of the 2nd Viscount Ex- mouth ; (2) 1871 Octavius Bradshaw, Esq. PELLY, Hon. Lady. Lilian, da. of Lord Elcho, and grandda. of the 8th Earl of Wemyss and March : m. 1872 Sir Henry Carstairs Pelly, 3rd Bart. Upton House, West Ham, Essex. PENNANT,Hon. Archibald Charles Henry DOUGLAS-, son of the ist Baron Penrhyn; b. 1837; entered the Grenadier Guards 1855, became Lieut, and Capt. 1858, and Capt. and Lieut. - Col. 1867, retired 1871 ; is a J P. for Northamptonshire: m. 1865 the Hon. Harriet EllaGifford, da. of the 2nd Ba- ron Gifford, 23, Chesham Street, S. W. PENNANT, Hon. George Sholto Douglas, M.P., h.a. to the ist Baron Penrhyn. PENNANT, Hon. Harriet Ella Gifford DOUGLAS-. (See Hon. Archi- bald C. H. DOUGLAS-PENNANT.) PENNEFATHER, Hon. Sarah Anna de Montmorency, da. of the 4th Vis- count Mountmorres: m. 1868 Richard D. Pennefather, Esq., Col. East Kent Militia ; aJ.P. and D.L. for Co. Lei- trim. Kilbracken, Co. Lei trim. PENNINGTON, Hon. Alan Joseph, h.p. to the 5th Baron Muncaster. PEPYS, Hon. George, son of the ist Earl of Cottenham ; b. 1832 ; ed. at Harrow and at Trin. Coll. , Camb. (M.A. 1854) ; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1857: m. 1864 Anne Eliza, da. of John Forster, Esq., of Malverleys, Hants. 7, Norfolk Square, W. ; University Club. PEPYS, Hon. Henry Leslie, son of the ist Earl of Cottenham : b. 1830 ; is Capt. ist Devon Rifle Vol. ; formerly Capt. ist Royal Surrey Militia ; m. 1868, Ada, youngest da", of the late Charles James Coote, Esq. , Lt.-Col. 1 8th Royal Irish. Kenton, Exeter ; Graf ton Club. PEPYS, Hon. Walter Courtenay, son of the ist Earl of Cottenham ; b. 1840 ; ed. at Harrow ; entered tlie6oth Rifles 1859, became Lieut. 1863, retired 1866 ; m. 1874, Amy Harriet, da. of Lt.-Col. Thompson, late 58th Regt. 86, Lansdowne Road, W. ; Wind ham Club. PERCY, Lord Algernon Malcolm Arthur, son of the 6th Duke of North- umberland ; b. 1851 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1871); ap- pointed Sub-Lieut. Grenadier Guards 1872, and Lieut. 1874. 8, Grosvenor Place, S. W. PERCY, Lord Henry Hugh Man- vers.K.C.B., V.C., son of the 5th Duke of Northumberland; b. 1817; ed. at Eton ; entered the Grenadier Guards 1836, became Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 1851, Col. 1854, Brig. -Gen. 1855, Major-Gen. 1865, and Lieut. -Gen. 1873 ; served in the Canadian insur- rection 1838, and in the Crimea ; was present at the battles of the Alma, In- kerman, and Balaklava, and the siege of Sebastopol ; has the Victoria Cross for personal bravery at Inkerman, and the Crimean medal and four clasps ; is a Knight of the Legion of Honor, and an officer of the Medjidie ; com- manded the ist Battalion Grenadier Guards in Canada 1862, was in com- mand at Colchester 1864, and com- manded a Brigade at Aldershot 1865 ; received a reward for distinguished services 1871; appointed A.D.C. to H.M. 1855, and Col. 8gth Foot 1874; sat as M.P. for N. Northumberland (C.) 1865-8; created a K.C.B. 1873. 40, Eaton Square, S. W. ; White's, Travellers , and United Service Clubs. PERCY, Lord Josceline William, son of the 5th Duke of Northumber- land, P.C. ; b. 1811 ; ed. at Eton and