Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/717

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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 645 had charge of the Field operations in France and Belgium 1860, and during the Trigonometrical operations for the connection of the Triangulation of the British Islands with that of Europe ; formerly engaged at the Ordnance Survey Office, St. George's Road, S.W. ; appointed Private Sec. to Sir M. Hicks-Beach, Chief Sec. for Ireland, 1874; sat as M.P. for Gal- way Co. (L.C.), Feb. 1872, when he was seated on petition, till Jan. 1874: m. 1864 Harriet, only child of Sir William Martins. 32, Hyde Park Gardens, IV.; Garbally, Ballinasloe, Ireland ; Army and Navy Club. TREVANION, Lady Frances, da. of Lord Glamis, and sister of the i3th Earl of Strathmore : m. 1858 Hugh Charles Trevanion, Esq. TREVOR, Lord Arthur Edwin H ILL-, M. P. , son of the 3rd Marquess of Downshire, K. P. ; b. 1819 ; ed. at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1843); was Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the ist Baron Heytesbury, when Lord-Lieut, of Ireland 1844-5; has been M.P. for Down (C.) since 1845; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Notts, and Co. Down ; and a J.P. for Cos. Salop, Denbigh, and Flint ; was Major N. Salop Yeo. Cav. 1863-72 ; has been Lt.-Col. S. Down Militia since 1845 ; assumed in 1862 the additional surname of Trevor on succeeding to the late Viscount Dungannon's estates: m. (i) 1848 Mary Emily (who d. 1855), el. da. of Sir Richard Sutton, ist Bart. ; (2) 1858 the Hon. Mary Catherine Cur- zon, sister of the 4th Baron Scarsdale. .Drynkinalt, Chirk, Denbighshire; 25, Belgrave Square, S.W.; Boodles, Carlton, Junior Carlton, and Sack- ville Street (Dublin} Clubs. TREVOR, Hon. Mary Catherine HILL-. (See Lord Arthur E. HILL- TREVOR.) TRIONFI, Marchioness. Lady Elizabeth, da. of the Countess of New- b irgh : m. 1841 the Marquess Augustin Trionfi, of Ancona. TRITTON, Hon. Alice Jane, da. of the i7th Baron Willoughby de Broke: m. 1874 Edward William Tritton, Esq. TROLLOPE,Hon Robert Cranmer, , h.f. to the 2nd Baron Kesteven. TROTTER, Hon. Charlotte Amelia, da. of the ist Baron Ravensworth : m. 1833 John Trotter, Esq., who d. 1870, late Capt. 2nd Life Guards. 170, Great Cumberland Place, W. ; Laurel Lodge, Barnet, Herts. TROTTER, Hon. Eva, el. da. of" the and Baron Gifford : m. 1866 Lieut. - Col. Henry Trotter, Capt. Grenadier Guards, el. son of R. Trotter, Esq. , of Morton Hall, Edinburgh. 9, Ovin$- ton Gardens, S. W. TROTTER, Hon. Mary, da. of the 8th Baron Rollo : m. 1833 Lieut.-Col. Robert Knox Trotter. Ballindean House, Inchture, Perthshire. TRYON, Hon. Clementina Char- lotte, el. da. of the ist Baron Aveland, and Clementina, BaronessWilloughby d'Eresby ; b. 1833 : m. 1869 Captain Tryon, C.B., R.N. TUCKER, Hon. Frances Elizabeth, da. of the 2nd Baron Ongley : m. 1848 Barff Tucker, Esq. TUDWAY, Lady Edith, da. of the 3rd Earl Nelson; b. 1850.- m. 1870 Charles Clement Tudway, Esq. The Cedars, Wells. TURNER, Hon. Caroline, da. of the ist Baron St. Leonard's : m. 1852 Col. John Turner, C.B., R.H.A. TURNOR, Lady Caroline, da. of the gth Earl of Winchelsea : m. 1837 Christopher Turnor, Esq., a D.L. and a J.P. for Lincolnshire, who was High Sheriff of the County 1833, and M.P. for the S. Div. thereof 1841-7. Stoke Rochford, Grant ham ; Panton Hall, Wragby ; 34, Chesham Place. TURNOR, Hon. Marianne, da. of the 3rd Baron Macdonald ; b. 1816 :

//. 1840 Capt. Henry Martin Turnor.

Malvern Wells. TURNOR, Lady Mary Katherine, da. of the ioth Marquess of Huntly .: m. 1866 Edmund Turnor, Esq., M.P. for S. Lincolnshire (C.) Panton Hall, Wragby. TURNOUR, Hon. Heys, son of the 3rd Earl of Winterton ; b. 1813 : m. 1837 Anne (who d. 1857), da. of Au- gustus Barker, Esq. TURNOUR, Hon. Keith, son of the 4th Earl of Winterton ; b. 1848 ; entered the 6oth Royal Rifles as En- sign 1866, and became Lieut. 1870.