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6 4 6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE TURNOUR, Hon. Mrs. Edward John, el. da. and co-heir of the late Rev. David Jones : m. 1825 Hon. and Rev. Edward John Tumour (who d, 1844), son of the ist Earl of Winterton. TURTON, Lady Cecilia Mary, da. of the 4th Earl of Milltown, K.P. : m. 1856 Major Edmund Henry Tur- ton, of Upsall, near Thirsk. Larpool Hall, Whitby. TWISLETON, Hon. and Rev. Charles Samuel, brother of the i3th Baron Saye and Sele ; b. 1806 ; ed. at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1828, M.A. 1831) ; was Rector of Ashow, Warwickshire, 1831-66 : m. 1837 Caro- line, who d. 1873, el. da. of Ralph Carr, Esq., of Stannington, North- umberland. Woodlands, Kenilworth ; 14, York Terrace, Regents Park, N. W. ; Oxford and Cambridge Club. TWISLETON - WYKEHAM - FIEN- NES. (See FIENNES.) TYRWHITT, Hon. Harry Tyrwhitt, h. a. to the Baroness Berners. UPTON, Hon. Arthur, h.a. to the 3rd Viscount Templetown. UPTON, Hon. Frederica Eliza- beth. (See Viscount TEMPLETON.) VALENTINOIS, Duchess of. Lady Mary Victoria Douglas, da. of the nth Duke of Hamilton ; b. 1850 : m. 1869 The Hereditary Prince Albert, Duke de Valentinois, only son of His Highness the reigning Prince of Monaco. VANDELEUR, Hon. Maletta Yel- verton, da. of the 3rd Viscount Avon- more : m. 1868 Crofton T. B. Van- deleur, Esq., Capt. i2th Royal Lan- cers, only son of Crofton T. Vande- leur, Esq., of Wardenstown, Co. Westmeath, and of Moyville, Co. Galway. VAN DE WEYER, Lady Emily Georgina, da. of the 2nd Earl of Craven ; b. 1846 : m. 1868 Victor Van de Weyer, Esq. , son of M. Syl- vain Van de Weyer, late Belgian Am- bassador at the Court of St. James's. Chaddleword House, Wantage, Berks. VANE-TEMPEST. (See TEMPEST.) VANNECK, Hon. Joshua Charles, h.a. to the 3rd Baron Huntingfield. VANSITTART, Hon. Rachel Fanny Anne, da. of the 4th Baron Boston : m. 1857 Augustus Arthur Vansittart, Esq. Bisham Abbey, Marlow, Buck- inghamshire; 34, Bryanston Square, VANSITTART, Hon. Theresa, sis- ter of Viscount Newcomen (title extinct] : m. (i) 1796 Sir Charles Turner, Bart., who d. 1810 ; (2) 1812 Henry Vansittart, Esq. , nephew of the last Baron Bexley (he d. 1848). VAUGHAN, Hon. Edward Courte- nay, son of the 4th Earl of Lisburne ; b. 1841 ; entered the Rifle Brigade as Ensign 1859, became Lieut. 1864, and Capt. 1872. VAUGHAN,Hon. George Lawrence, son of the 3rd Earl of Lisburne ; b. 1802 ; a D.L. for Cardiganshire, and late a Capt. in the Army : m. 1830 Mary Josephine Roche, da. of Henry O'Shea, Esq., of Madrid, and niece and co-heir of the late Gen. Sir Philip Keating Roche, K. C.S.I. Union Club. VAUGHAN, Hon. John Shafto, son of the 3rd Earl of Lisburne ; b. 18 ; is married. VAVASOUR, Hon. Lady Louisa Anne, da. of the 3rd Baron Bray- brooke : m. 1853 Sir Henry Mervyn Vavasour, 3rd Bart. Spaldington Hall, Howden, Yorkshire; 8, Upper Grosvenor Street, W. . VERE, Lady Mary Emily HOPE-, sister of the 9th Earl of Cork and Orrery : m. 1857 William Edward Hope-Vere, Esq. , of Craigie Hall and Blackwood, N.B. Blackwood, Lan- arkshire; 20, Park Lane, W. VEREKER, Hon. Charles Smyth, son of the 2nd Viscount Gort ; b. 1818 ; ed. atTrin. Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1841); Lieut. -Col. Com. of the Limerick City Artillery Militia ; formerly Capt. S. Middlesex Vol. : m. 1842 Kate, da. and co-heiress of the late Robert Fannin, Esq. Junior United Service Club. VEREKER, Hon. Foley Charles Prendergast, son of the 4th Viscount Gort ; b. 1850 ; ed. at Burney's Royal