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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 6 47 Naval Academy, Gosport ; joined the R.N. 1863; passed as Sub- Lieut. 1871, and became Acting- Lieut. H.M.S. " Nassau," Dec. 1871 ; has served in the Pacific, Magellan Strait, China, &c. VEREKER, Hon. Henry Prender- gast, LL.D., son of the 3rd Viscount Gort ; b. 1824; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin (B.A. ist Class Math. Honors 1845, LL.D. 1854) ; entered Lincoln's Inn 1849, and the Inner Temple 1855 ; was Clerk to the Railway De- partment 1848, Clerk to the Board of Trade 1851, Consul at Rio Grande do Sul Brazil 1852, Consul at Charente Infe'rieure, France, 1864-75 '< nas been Consul at Pernambuco, in Brazil, since 1875 : m. 1866 Louisa Elizabeth Mary, da. and co-heir of George Bagot Cosset, Esq., of the 4th Dra- goon Guards, .and Charlotte, Mar- chioness di Vinchiaturo. Pernam- buco ; The Pitts. Ryde, I. of W. Thatched House Club. VEREKER, Hon. John Gage Pren- dergast, h.a. to the 4th Viscount Gort. VEREKER, Hon. John Prender- gast, son of the 3rd Viscount Gort ; b. 1822; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin, where he grad. ist Class Honors ; called to the Irish Bar 1847 ; was Lord Mayor of Dublin 1863-4 ; is aJ.P. for Co. Limerick : m. 1858 Louisa, only child of George Medlicott, Esq., and grand-niece of the late Baroness Cas- tlecoote. 16, Merrion Square South, Dublin ; Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. VERNEY, Hori. Richard Greville, h.a. to the 171!! Baron Willoughbyde Broke. VERNEY, Hon. and Rev. Walter Robert, son of the i6th Baron Willoughby de Broke ; b. 1846 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1870, M.A. 1873) '< was Chaplain to the Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1874 ; is now Vicar of Chesterton, and Rector of Lighthorne, Warwickshit e ; Junior Carlton Club. VERNON, Hon. and Rev. Courte- nay John, h.p. to the 2nd Baron Lyve- den, P.C. VERNON, Lady Georgina Sophia, da. of the loth Earl of Haddington : m. 1861 Harry Foley Vernon, Esq., late M.P. for E. Worcestershire. Hanbury Hall, Droitwich. VERNON, Hon. George William Henry VENABLES-, h.a. to the 6th Baron Vernon. VERNON, Hon. Mrs. Gowran Charles. Caroline, da. of John Nich- olas Fazakerley, Esq., of Burwood, Surrey : m. 1857 the Hon. Gowran Charles Vernon, son of the ist Baron Lyvedon. Farningswood, Thrapstone. VERNON, Hon. Greville Richard, son of the ist Baron Lyveden, P.C., b. 1835 ; ed. at Harrow ; has been Lieut. -Col. Ayrshire Artillery Vol since 1863 : m. 1858 Susan Caroline, da. of Capt. R. H. Cockerell, R.N., and Theresa, afterwards Countess o Eglinton. VERNON, Hon. Mrs. John VEN- ABLES-, Caroline, da. of the late Gen. the Hon. Sir Edward Paget, G.C.B. : m. 1853 the Hon. and Rev. John Venables- Vernon (who d. 1875), son of the 3rd Baron Vernon. VERNON, Hon. William John BORLASE-WARREN-VENABLES-, 2nd son of the 5th Baron Vernon ; b. 1834 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch. Oxford ; was Lieut. Staffford Militia ; is a D.L. and aJ.P. for Staffordshire ; assumed the additional names of Bor- lase- Warren 1856: m. 1855 Agnes Lucy, 3rd da. of Sir John P. Boileau, ist Bart. 43, Grosvenor Place, S. W. ; Travellers , Brooks's, and Marl- borough Clubs. VERNON-HARCOURT. (See HAR- COURT.) VERNON-WENTWORTH. (See WENTWORTH.) VESEY, Hon. Eustace, son of the 3rd Viscount de Vesci ; b. 1851 ; ed. at Eton ; and at Ch. Ch., Oxford B.A. 18 , honors in Law and His- tory ; appointed Sub-Lieut, gth Lan- cers 1873, became Lieut. 1875. VESEY, Hon. Evelyn. (See Vis- count de VESCI.) VESEY, Hon. John Robert Wil- liam, h.a. to the 3rd Viscount DeVesci. VIDITZ, Hon. Frances Constantia, only da. of the 8th Viscount Netter- ville: m. 1865 Monsieur Charles Viditz. VlLLlERS, Right Hon. Charles Pelham, P.C., M.P., brother of the 4th Earl of Clarendon, K.G. ; b.