Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/772

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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN MITCHELL, (BY APPOINTMENT) STEEL PEN MAKER TO HER MAJESTY THE QTJEBN, AND TO THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES The Prince and Princess Frederick William of Prussia. Wholesale & Retail Depot: 118, Cheapside, London, KG, Works: Newhall Street, Birmingham. GENUINE SEEDS DIRECT FROM THE GROWERS. MEDALISTS CARTER & CO., PRIZE MEDALISTS LONDON, 1862. PARIS. 1867. LONDON. 1873. O J^ Jl< JJ O JV1 Jl< JNl VIENNA, 1873. i)cr Siesta % <umT, $.&.$* tyt frmw at ,l*K ferfoit rittgs 0f Barter's "Prize Medal" Seeds for "The Farm," Carter's "Prize Medal" Seeds and Plants for "The Flower Garden," Carter's "Prize Medal" Seeds and Plants for "The Kitchen Garden," Descriptive Catalogues may be had, Post Free, on application. 237 & 238, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C.