Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/773

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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. RICK CLOTHS ! RICK CLOTHS ! EDGINGTON'S RICK CLOTHS For Sixty -nine years have maintained their celebrity as the best. EDGINGTON'S MAR- QUEES and TENTS are the prettiest. EDGINGTON'S MAR- QUEES for hire are the most elegant and capa- EDGINGTON'S DEN NETTING cheapest and most dur- able. One Penny per square yard, or in quantities of 250 500, or 1,000 yards, carriage paid. Samples of material free on application. BE PARTICULAR. FREDERICK EDGINGTON & CO., RICK CLOTH MANUFACTURERS TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, 52, OLD KENT ROAD, LONDON, S,E. Xo connection with any house using the name EDGING-TON". MNNETORDS SOtUTION'-OF DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty Years the Medical Profession have approved of this pure solution of Magnesia as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION ; and as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, especially adapted for Ladies, Children, and Infants. When combined with THE ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, it forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and cooling qualities are much increased. In warm seasons and warm climates, this simple preparation, when taken REGULARLY, has been found highly beneficial. DINNEFORD & Co., CHEMISTS, 127, New Bond Street, London. m, SOLD BY ALL RESPECTABLE CHEMISTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. CAUTION. See that " DINNEFORD & Co." is on each Bottle, and Red Label over the Cork.