Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/774

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46 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. MORSON'S PREPARATIONS OF PEPSINE. Highly Recommended by the Medical Profession. SEE NAUIE 01V ISABEL. As WINE, In BOTTLES, at Ss., 5s. & 9s. LOZENGES at 2s. 6d. & 4s. 6d. GLOBULES at 2s., 3s. 6d., & 6s. 6d- And as POWDER, in 1-ox. BOTTLES, at 5s. each. SOLD BV ALL CHEMISTS AND THE MANUFACTURERS, MORSON & SON, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON N.B.-Ask for MORSON'S PREPARATIONS. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE, BARCLAY'S PORTER AND STOUT, Always in good condition, in 18-Gallon Casks, Bottles, Half Bottles, and Imperial Pints. .A.lso Devonshire Cider. BERRY BROS. & Co., Wine Merchants, 3, St. James's Street, S.W. THE COFFEE MILL ESTABLISHED TWO CENTURIES, FOR THE SALE OF FINEST TEAS AND COFFEES. THE ROYAL HOTEL, PLYMOUTH. First Class Family Hotel, with every modern improvement, situated in the most commanding, healthful, and genteel quarter of Plymouth. Only five minutes' walk from the Station. Close to the Hoe. Handsome Coffee Rooms, Billiards, Bath?, Extensive Posting Estahlishment, and most superior Stabling and lock-up Coach-houses. Charges as per printed tariff. An Omnibus attends every Train, and Carriages if ordered. S. PEAESE, Proprietor.