Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/775

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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. 47 Thirteenth Annual Publication, Revised after Official Returns. THE STATESMAN'S YEAR BOOK for 1876- A Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilized World. A Handbook for Politicians or Mer- chants. By FREDERICK MARTIN. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. The Times : " The Almanack de Gotha, in spite of its long reign a* a favourite, shrinks into insignificance by the side of the handsome and useful volume which Mr. F. Martin has given us as a manual for our library table a book which not only serves, so to speak, as ' the Peerage of Continental Royalty,' but gives us large stores of authentic information, corrected to the very latest date, respecting matters of such world-wide interest as the revenue and expenditure, the density of the population, the birth and death-rate, the premiers and heads of Government in the several civilized States of the four quarters of the world." The Standard: " Everybody who knows this work is aware that it is a book that is indispensable to writers, financiers, politicians, statesmen, and all who are directly or indirectly interested in the political, social, industrial, commercial, and financial condition of their fellow creatures at home and abroad. All the information that could possibly be desired by politicians, merchants, and public speakers and writers relative to the Constitution and Government, the Church and education, the revenue and expenditure, the army and navy, the area and population, the commerce, industry, and trade of every civilized country in the world, is to be found readily accessible within the small limits of this admirable year book." NEW EDITIOIST. Eevised and brought down to the Peace of Versailles, Feb. 28, 1871. 8vo. half bound, price 16s. ANNALS OF OUR TIME A Diurnal of Events, Social and Political, Home and Foreign, from the Accession of Queen Victoria. By JOSEPH IRVING. SUPPLEMENT from Feb., 1871, to March, 1874. 8vo. 4s. 6d. The Times says: "We have before us a trusty and ready guide to the events of the past thirty years, available equally for the statesman, the politician, the public writer, and the general reader. ... If Mr. Irving's object has been to bring before the reader all the most noteworthy occurrences since the beginning of her Majesty's reign, he may justly claim the credit of having done so most briefly, succinctly, and simply, and in such a manner, too, as to furnish him with the details necessary in each case to comprehend the event of which he is in search in an intelligent manner." The Daily News says: "It appears to us to be admirably executed, full, yet condensed, clearly arranged, and provided with an ample index. Such a work will be a treasure to all journalists and politicians." MAC MIL LAN & CO., LONDON.