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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. Among the Sights of London, Paris and Berlin ARE ANNA RUPPERT'S Magnificent Reception and Consulting Rooms IN THOSE CITIES. w rHERE every day crowds of benefittecU patients, and crowds of new clients wanting to be benefited, assemble to interview Mrs. RUPPERT or her Resident Ma- nageress. Mrs. RUPPERT'S RENOWNED SKIN TONIC will absolutely cure chronic acne and redness of skin. It cleanses the pores, tones re- laxed muscles, and is NOT a cosmetic. Perfectly harmless, even to the most delicate. Brings the skin to its original condition, and is a NATU RAL REMEDY. Price, per bottle, 10,6 : three bottles together (usually required) 25/- Post paid (pri- vately packed) to any town in the United King- dom. Also send two stamps for new, completely illustrated "BOOK OF BEAUTY," worth a guinea, with invaluable hints concerning the- acquirement and preservation of beauty. The London newspapers say: "Mrs. Rup- pert's complexion is certainly a guarantee of her knowledge." " Her gentle manner and grace wins the heart of 'every Englishwoman who visits her." " Her idea of complexion treatment is certainly natural and harmless, as well as beneficial." "Mrs. Ruppert's pretty office re- minds one of a golden cage to love for ever." " Her remedies are certainly remarkable, as they are not cosmetics, and do not show, nor require continual use'; once'clear, the skin remains fresh and lovely." But enough! ANNA RUPPERT'S DYSPEPSIA CURE is unrivalled for the permanent cure of this distressing complaint, and Mrs. Ruppert has much pleasure in testifying to its complete success in her own case, as for many years she, herself, was one of the most terrible sufferers from this universal ailment. ANNA RUPPERT'S ESTABLISHMENT. In this new and elegantly appointed establishment we find FIRST FLOOR Reception Salons, Sale Room, and special room for the new and already popular LONG- WAISTED CORSET; easy, graceful, light, comfortable, and reasonable in price, from 12 6 to 5 guineas; all one style, different materials. Many of these have been sold, and highest testimonals for same received from ladies in all classes of society and dramatic life. SECCOND FLOOR ANNA RUPPERT'S private consultation rooms (strictly private), Manicure and Pedicure Department, also private, and wholesale departments. THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS Cashier, correspondence, mailing, general business, manager's department ; also laboratory, where thousands of bottles of SKIN TONIC are made and prepared for sale. All business and manufacturing under the immediate supervision of ANNA RUPPERT in person, who carefully prepares all remedies with due regard to the delicacy of all complexions. ANNA RUPPERT'S NEW BOOK ABOUT BEAUTY, WORTH ONE GUINEA, sent FREE, on receipt of 2d. postage, very valuable, a full report (taken by shorthand writer), of ANNA RUPPERT'S LAST LI CTURE sent, price 6rf. Ladies who wish to consult Mrs. RUPPERT can rto so by post or in person. No charge. All names sacred, all queries answered free of charge,, and very willingly. Call and see the new and elegant establishment. Artistic manicuring,, price 4/6. Chiropody reasonable, best artists. All welcome. Address all letters to the celebrated American Complexion Specialist. MRS. ANNA RUPPERT, SO, REOJENT STKEET, LONDORT, W. Branches EDINBURGH, SA, Shandwick Place; BRIGHTON, 124, Western Road? MANCHESTER, 8, King Street; BIRMINGHAM, 7, Cherry Street; DUBLIN, 74, Grafton Street ; SOUTHAMPTON, 66, Marland Place, Above Bar ; BARCELONA, 26, Calle de Fontanella; NAPLES, SYDNEY, CALCUTTA, ST. PETERSBURG, ROME, GENOA, and Paris, 17, Rue de la Paix. Berlin, 14, Unter den Linden. Vienna, 1, Fiirich Strasse.