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10 _ DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. _ CITY OF LONDON TRUSS SOCIETY, 35, FINSBURY SQUARE, J'or the Relief of the Ruptured Poor throughout the Kingdom. ESTABLISHED 1807. PATRON H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. PRESIDENT The Right Hon. LORD EBURY, P.C. TREASURER JOHN NORBURY, Esq. The patients (numbering now between 9,000 and 10,000 in the year) are of both sexes and .all ages, from children of a month old to adults over 95. Upwards of 479,200 patients have been ^relieved since the formation of the Charity. SUBSCRIPTIONS and DONATIONS will be thankfully received by the Society's Bankers LLOYDS, Bank (Limited), 72, Lombard Street; and by the Secretary at the Institution. JOHN WHITTINGTON, Secretary. For Varicose Veins and Weakness. SURGICAL ELASTIC STOCKINGS AND KNEE-CAPS Pervious, light in texture, and INEXPENSIVE, yielding an unvarying support without lacing or bandaging. Likewise a" strong, low-priced article, for Hospital and the Working Classes. ABDOMINAL SUPPORTING BELTS. Those for Ladies' use, before and after accouchement, are admirably adapted for giving adequate support, with EXTREME LIGHTNESS. Instructions for Measurement and Prices on application, and the articles sent by Post from the Manufacturers and Inventors. IPOIPIE &; IF'IEj.A.irsrTIE], HOSIERS, QLOVERS, AND SHIRT MAKERS, 186, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. THE REVERSIONARY & INVESTMENT COMPANY. OFFICES: 5. WHITEHALL, LONDON, S.W. ESTABLISHED 1836. FURTHER EMPOWERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 14 & 15 VICTORIA, CAP. czxz C APITA!^ > O O . O O O . DIRECTORS. -Chairman EDWARD WALMISLEY, Esq. .DepMty-CAairroan MAYOW WYNELL ADAMS, Esq. GEORGE BADHAM, Esq. WILLIAM ROBERT BARKER, Esq. WILLIAM HENNIKER HEATON, Esq. HERBERT CHARLES MALKIN, Esq. WILLIAM STEBBING, Esq. JOHN COLES, Esq. AUDITORS. ARTHUR L. SAVORY, Esq. | MARTIN J. K. BECHER, Esq. BANKERS. Messrs. DRUMMOND. SOLICITORS. Messrs. SHOURBRIDGE & MAY, 19. Lincoln's Inn Fields. This Company established upwards of Half a Century PURCHASES or MAKES LOANS upon REVERSIONARY INTERESTS, vested or contingent, in well secured property ; also JjIFE INTERESTS, in POSSESSION or in EXPECTATION. LOANS UPON REVERSIONS may be obtained either at an Annual Interest, or in -consideration of redeemable deferred charges, payable upon the REVERSIONS falling in. PRESENT INCOMES are likewise advanced upon the latter principle to persons entitled to Reversionary interests, who may thus obtain the means of support until their property falls into possession, without being called upon for any payment until that event. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal may be obtained from the Secretary, to whom all bom- oiunicarions should be addressed. D. A. BUMSTED, Actuary ff Secretary