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DE BRETT -ADVERTISEMENTS. u NORWICH INCREASING BONUSES BUSINESS The New Policies issued in 1891 were 1,052,054, or The above are the average additions per&lOO UNION . . APPLICATIONS FORACENCJ1S ARE INVITED SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRANSACTIONS CONNECTED WITH LIFE INTERESTS AND REVERSIONS. SCOTTISH EQUITABLE (Ml U T TJ A. 11,) LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Established 1831. Incorporated by Boyal Charters and Special Act of Parliament. Head Office 26 ST. AN DEE W SQUARE, EDINBURGH. London Office G9 KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C. President His GRACE THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY, K.T. THE SCOTTISH EQUITABLE is a Purely Mutual Office. There are no Shareholders to absorb any portion of the Profits, which are therefore wholly divided among the holders of Participa- ting Policies. Its leading features are Unquestionable Security, Liberal Conditions of Insurance, and Early Participation in Profits. The Guaranteed Minimum Surrender Value is endorsed on each Policy issued. The Premiums are calculated by Half-years of Age, so that those who insure within six months after a birthday will be charged a Lower Rate of Premium than formerly. Position of the Society at 1st March 1892. Existing Assurances, including Bonus Additions .. .. .. 10,716,305 Income .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 427,943 Accumulated Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,431,669 COMPLETE AND LIBERAL NON-FORFBITURE REGULATIONS. The Society has adopted the principle of Non-Foifeiture to its fullest extent, and there is no possibility of a valuable policy being forfeited through an accidental omission to pay the premium. NEW PLAN OF IMMEDIATE BONUS POLICIES. Special attention is directed to this New Scheme, the rates under which are lower than the usual non-profit rates. The yearly premium payable at age 30 for an ordinary with profit policy for 1,000 will assure 1,300 under thig new plan, thus securing an Immediate Bonus of .'300. CLAIMS are payable immediately after proof of death and title. LOANS are granted in connection with Life Insurance, on Life Interests, Reversions, and other approved security. The Directors are also prepared to entertain proposals for the Sale of Reversions to the Society. Secretary J. J. McLAUCHLAN. | Manager T. B. SPRAGUE, M.A.