Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/14

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12 _ DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO PR1NATE USURERS. TELE IMJPE JEiI_A 1^ INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. 1, Old Broad Street, $- 22, Pall Mall, London. ESTABLISHED 1803. SUBSCRIBED "CAPITAL ....... 1,200,000. PAID-UP CAPITAL ....... 300,000. INVESTED ASSETS (Capital and Reserves) - over 1,600,000. The distinguishing Characteristics of this Company are: Moderate Rates p Undoubted Security; Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. fmpmal Jife Insurance Company ESTABLISHED 1820. SUBSCRIBEDICAPITAL - ..... 750,000. ACCUMULATED FUNDS ...._. 1,621,000. ADVANTAGES OFFERED COMPRISE: Low Rates Liberal Conditions Non- forfeitable Policies Interim Bonuses Guaranteed Surrender Values Free Travelling all over the World Immediate Settlement of Claims Endowment Assurances payable during Life-time with Profits. TOTAL LIFE CLAIMS PAID EXCEED 4,655,000. CORPORATION. (ESTABLISHED BY ROTAL CHARTER, A.D. 1720. FOR SEA, FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES, Chief Office Royal Exchange, London ; West End Branch, 29, Pall Mall. FUNDS IN HAND .... 4,000,000. CLAIMS PAID - - 36.000,000. FIRE. INSURANCES ARE GRANTED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE on property of almost every description at moderate prices. PRIVATE INSURANCES. Policies issued for Two Years and upwards are allowed a liberal discount. LOSSES OCCASIONED BY LIGHTNING will be paid whether the property be set on fire or not. _ LIFE. MODERN AND IMPROVED SYSTEM OF ASSURANCE, of which the leading features are : 1 GUARANTEED MINIMUM SURRENDER VALUES. 2 POLICIES PROTECTED AGAINST ACCIDENTAL FORFEITURE. 3 IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS. 4 LARGE PERIODICAL BONUSES. New SCHEME of CHILDREN'S ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE. For the LATEST DEVELOPMENTS OF LIFE ASSURANCE, consult the Corporation's full Prospectus. _ J OANS are granted on security of R jversionary and Immediate LIFE INTERESTS in connection with Policies of Assurance. E. R. HANDCOCK, Secretary.